Is it ok for another person to kiss your significant other? Its - TopicsExpress


Is it ok for another person to kiss your significant other? Its not? Well you kiss them, so why cant another person? Is it ok for another person to wash your balls for you? Why not? You wash your own balls in the morning, how come someone else cant? Sounds ridiculous doesnt it? Cause thats the same logic I see some of you using when you say we shouldnt complain about the police/whites slaughtering blacks because we not worried about black on black crime. Rap music, and blacks acting up such as sagging pants, etc has only existed for 40 years. Weve been dealing with this for 400. Whenever another demographic group or country is attacked by outsiders, everyone within that group puts down their differences and takes care of the outsider. Thats a deceleration of war. When 9/11 happened, I didnt see anyone saying oh well we commit crimes against our own in this country, why care about Al-Queda No, we started with the #NeverForget and mobilized to protect our FREEDOM. #Murica Nah seriously. That black on black crime shit is stupid. We could pull our pants up, magically all get jobs, and stop the rap music. Crime rates would LOWER dramatically, but would still exist because thats the human way. STOP SAYING THAT NONEXISTENT BLACK ON BLACK CRIME EXCUSES THE POLICE FOR SLAUGHTERING OUR PEOPLE IN COLD BLOOD. THANKS #CapsLockIsALWAYSCruiseControlForCool
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 19:33:20 +0000

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