Is it possible to do what you Love and get paid lots of money? Is - TopicsExpress


Is it possible to do what you Love and get paid lots of money? Is there such a thing as a land that flows with milk and Honey? Do dreams really come through? YES!!! When you Allow them to! Oh how does that work I hear you ask? Well trying to explain the How of things is a insurmountable Task! But keeping the Faith everyday, And Trusting The power of Love to make straight the way. Is not a task but a very adventurous Joy. And when you Believe, many Angels you employ! So heres the Good News! Miracles happen everyday! NOW, wholeheartedly give Thanks and let them come your way! Keep doing what you Love with unshakeable Bliss and Faith, And know that when you breakthrough, it will be Exceedingly Great! It is Done! Dance and shout Amen! GNN Heres a bonus serving of Soulfood! YOU GET PAID FOR THIS? Find out what you like doing best, and get someone to pay you for doing it. - Katherine Whitehorn As I paged through Frank Levinsons Adventures On Horseback guest book, I occasionally glanced out the picture window from his ranch , overlooking meadows, palm trees, and ocean panorama. Amid the many enthusiastic comments, one caught my eye: And you get paid for this---Im sending you my resume! The writer was referring to the fact that Frank is living his dream and being supported for it. Frank has taken what many folks consider vacation and turned it into vocation. Here are some points to consider when trying to assess whether or not you are in your right job. You will know you are in the right place if you feel you should be paying people to let you do what they are already paying you to do. And youll know you are in the wrong place if you are laboring in a position made worthwhile only by the money. Some other good diagnostic questions for right livelihood are: Do you get up in the morning with a sense of enthusiasm , looking forward to what is before you? Do you feel creative and inspired to expand? Do you have more energy at the end of your work session than when you began? Do people thank you for making their life easier or more beautiful? Do you feel Spirit is working through you to deliver results you could not have manifested on your own? Would you want your child to create a profession with the attitude you hold towards yours? You deserve to be paid for doing what you love. You deserve to be uplifted by what you do. You deserve to live your personal destiny through your vocation. Dont waste any more time in an unfulfilling job; begin now to create the life your heart yearns to live. Someday someone will write in your guestbook, And you get paid for this? Help me to find peace and fulfillment in my work. I am richly rewarded for following my dreams. From a Deep Breath of Life by Alan Cohen
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 23:09:11 +0000

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