Is it too much if I ask someone why they lie to me about things - TopicsExpress


Is it too much if I ask someone why they lie to me about things that should not ever be a problem yet become a lie? Why do people intentionally lie when the truth is always best to say? I shouldnt have to question someone about something because they are keeping the truth from me. Im frustrated. This is not cool :-/ If people could only know what goes on in this head of mine. I think the next time it flares up Im just going to text it all on fb and say these are my messed up thoughts. Matter of fact look here mofos lol ------ My life is not simple. Yet my life is not hard. I can enjoy my life if i put aside the anger and hate of what ive been through. I dont choose to forgive them exactly, but i live with what they have done to me. I still stand tall. They have damaged me but damages can be fixed. Yet that is just a faze. Everyone goes through fazes and differently as well. Takes different steps, different approaches towards different problems or stepping stones through out everyones different lifes. no one has lived through anyones lifes but themselves. You can say you know what they mean, but do u really? What they feel about what they go through everyday? Each person is complex in their own way. Their own style. They have there own opinion towards their own issues. Maybe they are opinionated enough to try to rule others lifes and claim they know what is best. Maybe they do or dont but how well does that really work out unless they are both happy about the outcome in the end? They are their own person. That starts at birth. Can u honestly look in someones eyes and tell that they are in pain? Maybe if you have seen their painful eyes before and notice it again. But think of how many people are in this world. You cant possibly look in all of their eyes and know what they are thinking or how they feel. Facial expressions. Different for each and every one of us. A look on your friend could be happy and you actually know that it means happy because you have seen it before on them. That same look on a stranger could mean anything. It could mean pain, suffering, heart ache, so many words describe us. We are all different in so many ways yet the same we We may have things in common that we talk about or do with each other, so we have similarities. That keeps us together longer. Havent you ever picked up a random liking into something just to stay close to a friend or maybe make a new one? In the end you may see them go if they dont put towards that same efforts that you have done to them to be closer. Thats just us thinking differently. Eat differently. See differently. Yes, we all have eyes, but actually think of the meaning see differently. Some people have been hurt since they can remember. They see love differently than others. Others may think flowers and chocolates express love. Where as that one individual sees disrespect as love. They see negatively towards what others may see positive, or the other way around. Thoughts. They may ramble through our mind from time to time. Usually coming out of our mouths scrambled and damaged like our spirit when we have been hurt a little passed the limit. Thoughts control us. You dont always tell someone exactly what your thinking because your thought of that is that they may hurt you or do something you thought may affect you in a way you didnt want. They may share that thought with others and maybe you would rather not go so far to do that. So you scramble your thoughts up, and they come out sideways. That is how people misinterpret others. If you told it the wrong way or untruthfully in the first place, They may also take it that way too where as they dish it back out that way to you as well. Ahh yah. I am tired of typing. Please done try to correct my spelling. I hate English. Lol I suck at it well the spelling part.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 04:19:56 +0000

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