Is there really just that one word, that one sentence, that - TopicsExpress


Is there really just that one word, that one sentence, that one-liner left, to adequately sum up this entire effd up administration? What is there left to say. There is just so much wrong with what is going on, and I dont know if its because we have now more information at our hands than ever, or because this really is the worst of the worst. I dont know. I have noticed, however, that over the past month or so, I have an increasing amount of nasty progtards jumping to the defense of The Won. But its like I said a few days ago. If you still believe hes doing a good job, youre stupid and dont deserve to vote anymore. I think its blatantly clear by now by just about anybody, that we are dealing with the worst potus in office since Lincoln. And his idiocy, as premeditated as it may be, is not just imploding the country from within, it literally will get us all killed if this lunacy doesnt stop. And yet, wanna know something really really weird? Go and live in a european country, any european country and notice something: You wont get even half as much negative information about any countrys government on the internet. People also arent interacting on Facebook like they do in the US, within their political circles and friends lists. There is no social-political networking going on, so to speak. Theyre dead silent. The only dissent happens on the streets. And its usually by the wrong people, the loud ones, the obnoxious ones. And why? Because every single thing that we still fight and rant and rave against in the US, all the political bullshit, everything from corruption to betrayal to treason to immigration to the killing of ones own culture, all those things are all established fact and/or law already in any european country. There is no point anymore for people to interact like we do here, because its all been said and done, without a sound. People have no voice left. Sure, you hear, here and there, individual voices of hope rising up, like Wilders etc, and other countries that reach surprising results during referendums and votings that stun the rest of the world and set the EU into short, but completely meaningless, turmoil. Take France with the Burka vote. Take Switzerland with the Minaret vote. Or the anti-immigration vote. But those referendums are all completely meaningless and empty. Its a joke to think that Switzerland, for instance, can safe itself now, after having allowed an almost 30% immigration population. A statistic thats higher than any other country in Europe. The so-called anti-immigration bill that went through in March is an absolute joke, and nothing will be done, and the bill will be on the ballot again in a year, and again and again, until the people will vote the right way. Thats how its done. Everything is said and done, and any kind of freedom is an illusion. So once again, I state it for the record, at least we can still rant and rave in the USA. Not all is lost.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 23:34:35 +0000

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