Is yoga just for the affluent, white and cliquish? I dont think - TopicsExpress


Is yoga just for the affluent, white and cliquish? I dont think so. Though it may have had that reputation in the past, times are changing and, as with all things, the overall image of yoga is evolving as well. This article does bring up some interesting observations. Namely, why is it that blacks are so in the minority in yoga classes and studios? Is it because of racism? Of course not, though it might be because of perception and personal insecurities (No, Im not puttin black folks on blast. Read on.). Some say its economics, though I hardly find paying $20 to take a yoga class economic discrimination. As a big black dude who started practicing yoga almost a year ago, did I feel a little apprehensive stepping into a yoga studio for the first time, surrounded by mostly lithe, physically fit, in-shape, athletic white women? Yeah, maybe a tad, but once I came into my own as the YOGA PIMP THAT I AM (Hey! It aint easy!), and as soon as the ladies started complementing me on my manly sound effects and improved core strength, what little apprehension I felt initially evaporated. Now, wherever I go, ladies just cant get enough of the BLACK CROW!!! (Tongue planted firmly in cheek.) Seriously, whether its yoga, golf, tennis, or as Colt Stonebreaker does so well, pimpin hos, if theres something you want to try, then it really shouldnt matter if youre in the minority among the rest of the group. Its 2014. Lets get over these personal hang-ups and live our lives to the fullest. NAMASTE.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 16:14:38 +0000

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