Isaac’s Diary – Day 3: We came home from the hospital at - TopicsExpress


Isaac’s Diary – Day 3: We came home from the hospital at around lunch time on Day 3. In the morning, mummy and daddy were worried about how they were going to bring me home. The original plan was to wrap me up in a thick blanket and have grandma hold me while we catch a taxi home. When mummy and daddy had a tour of Roosevelt Hospital’s maternity ward a few months ago, the tour guide told them that this was something that people who lived close to the hospital and did not have a car did often and that it was legal for infants to ride in a New York City taxi without a car seat. However, many of the nurses at the hospital said it may not be safe and recommended taking me home in a car seat. Mummy and daddy had not bought a car seat for me yet, because they didn’t think they would need it for a while. Daddy thought about going and buying a car seat in the morning and hiring a Zipcar to use to bring me home, but grandma and mummy said we should go with our original plan, as it would be too much of a hassle in what was already a busy morning trying to get ready to go home. In the end, the original plan worked out fine because we met a really nice taxi driver who drove very carefully and slowly to make sure it was totally safe for me. Before we left the hospital, the doctors visited us and told mummy and daddy that mummy and I were both healthy and OK to go home. The delivery and recovery went as well as it could have for mummy and except for sore wrists from holding me all night, mummy was generally feeling good. I had a mild case of jaundice, but the baby doctor (daddy tells me he is called a pediatrician) said it should be fine and he will take another look when we come for my first doctor’s visit in two days’ time. The nurses were very nice and gave mummy and daddy a bag full of supplies to get them through the first few days. The most important thing we received was the sitz bath for mummy (I think only other mummies and daddies would know what this is). Our house was very clean when we got home (grandma had been busy while we were at the hospital) and daddy and mummy had a bassinet next to their bed for me. I prefer sleeping together with mummy and daddy in their bed, but this is only something I will manage to achieve over the next few days after lots of crying at night. Mummy was very happy to be home and said there really was no place like home. Once we settled down at home, the #1 mission for the Lee family was to help mummy produce milk for me. Mummy kept nursing me, but I was only getting a little bit of first milk and cried a lot. I was very hungry and needed some formula to supplement but mummy was worried that I would get used to the formula and not breast feed later on. This is when auntie Ludy came to my rescue. She told mummy that it was fine and completely normal to supplement with formula and mummy should not be worried about me not breast feeding later on as I will always like mummy’s milk better. Thank you auntie Ludy! This advice made mummy feel much better, although she still could not help feeling stressed and sorry to me. Even with this advice, mummy fought a brave fight against the (evil?) formula through a sleepless night, always trying to nurse me first when I cried. This meant we didn’t get much sleep on our first night at home and in the end, the solution was more formula. I know mummy felt very bad this first night, but she didn’t need to. I know my mummy loves me and she is the best mummy in the world. I also did my first poop and pee at home (at 9pm) and this made mummy and daddy very happy – doesn’t seem to take much to get them excited…
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 02:18:32 +0000

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