Ishmael (the trouble in the world today) was born as a result of - TopicsExpress


Ishmael (the trouble in the world today) was born as a result of Abraham attempting to hurry up the plan of God and fulfil it through human effort. We all have our Ishmaels: a good idea that was not Gods idea and it can complicate your life. Like Ishmael and Isaac, sometimes your miracle and your mistake can grow together under the same roof. But today God is saying because of what I have in mind for you, youve got to let go what your flesh created and that will position you to receive the fullness of His blessing. And often the toughest times in life are those moments when all we know about God doesnt seem to help or get us the results we want. Thats when we learn about His silence. Patience is what God gives you when His promise seems delayed and when bad things remain unchanged. Its His sedative for the troubled heart. Its the balm He rubs into your aching muscles when it feels like youre being stretched to breaking point. There are great benefits to waiting. The thing you think you cant live without today, you may be glad to live without tomorrow. Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and HE shall strengthen your heart... Stop fussing, stop pushing, allow God to work and youll come out of this stronger and with a better result. Your God is working out something greater than your expectations.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:23:57 +0000

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