Ishmaelite exile continued....pt2 “Reb Yishmoel says: Bnei - TopicsExpress


Ishmaelite exile continued....pt2 “Reb Yishmoel says: Bnei Yishmoel will do fifteen things in the Land at the end of days… measure the Land with ropes [i.e., claim specific sections of Eretz Yisroel]; they will turn cemeteries into pastureland and dumps [i.e. desecrate sites holy to Jews so as to strengthen their position in Eretz Yisroel; they will make measurements on mountaintops [i.e., try to gain a foothold on strategic positions]; lies will abound [i.e., they will deceive the Jews in order to overtake them]; the truth will be hidden away [this higher level of deceit]’ the Law will be distant from Yisroel [i.e., the Jews will disregard Torah, following gentile law instead, thereby hindering their merit to live in Eretz Yisroel]; iniquity will increase among the Jews [again, a deeper aspect of degeneration]; crimson thread will appear like thick wool - akin to the concept of unprecedented chutzpah as a sign of ultimate spiritual decline]; the paper and quill will shrivel [i.e., all agreements with Bnei Yishmoel won’t be worth the paper they are written on]; government-backed coinage will be invalidated [i.e., money will lose its value]; they will rebuild cities in the mountains [i.e., Bnei Yishmoel will settle many areas in Eretz Yisroel]; they will clear paths, plant gardens and orchards, and fence in the breaches in the walls of the Beis HaMikdash [i.e., they’ll strengthen their presence in the Jews’ most holy site]; they will build a building in [over] the Heichal [as is known, they built a mosque on the site of the Temple]; two brothers amongst them will stand leaders [i.e., two of their leaders will band together to fight against Yisroel]; and in their days will spring forth a sprout from Dovid.” Pirkei DeRebbi Eliezer Chapter 30
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 23:24:03 +0000

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