Islam: What Can be Done? What can we do about Islam and the - TopicsExpress


Islam: What Can be Done? What can we do about Islam and the threat that it poses to Western values? Our least favorite question is unfortunately one that we see quite a bit. Readers who understand Islamic history and teaching, and thus realize the danger that it poses to our future naturally want to know what can be done to prevent this from happening. Our conclusion is that educating oneself,... educating others, and speaking truthfully about the Religion of Peace is the best start. Islam is its own worst enemy in that the more that is known about it, the less attractive it becomes... to everyone. Islam spreads like a virus. It radiates from Muslim countries that are too diseased to support it and into healthy systems that are that way because they have had the luxury of developing apart from Islam. Once in the host system, the Islam virus uses the existing machinery to make replicas of itself. Over time, the host makes unilateral concessions to the religion, feeding and appeasing it in the vain hope that this supremacist ideology can be tamed. Vital organs are co-opted and eventually shut down as Islam advances. In a matter of time, the entire system groans to an agonizing death and assumes the condition of the diseased nations from which Muslims originally fled. The virus then looks for new hosts to cannibalize. Some Westerners, particularly those with children (and an investment in the future), are far-sighted enough to trace the eventual end game of current trends. Though many Muslims are decent people, the religion itself always has a way of bringing the radicals along with it. The radicals then infest and influence the mainstream - and the rest of society pays the cost. A question that we often hear is, “What can we do about it?” First, let’s go over what shouldn’t be done about it. 1) Do NOT hurt Muslims. Westerners generally don’t have a problem with this, having shown remarkable restraint in the wake of horrendous terror attacks. Bottom line: You don’t know any terrorists. The Muslims that you know in your private life are not terrorists. Don’t harm them or protect anyone who does. 2) Do NOT hate or harass Muslims. The Muslims that you know personally are probably not much different than you are. They have the same concerns for their children’s future and the same interests in getting ahead in life. They do not deserve to be harassed on account of a religion that they may not understand very well or take all that seriously. 3) Do NOT vandalize the property of Muslims. Same reasons; Grow up. 4) Do NOT publicly abuse copies of the Quran It doesn’t accomplish anything other than giving radicals another reason to play the victim, get angry, and perhaps hurt someone. It’s also juvenile and offensive. Treat the Quran with the same respect that you would prefer Muslims treat whatever book that you consider sacred. If you want to confront Islam, then you must be truthful and objective, rather than rude and slanderous. Don’t exaggerate or use absolutes. Don’t say that all Muslims are bad people (they arent), or that everything about Islam is bad. The key to stopping Islam is education because the more that is known about this 7th century religion the less appeal it will have in today’s world. Muslim defenders know this, which is why they hide behind censorship and book banning in the Islamic world and desperate but comical appeals to political correctness and multiculturalism in the West. Muslim organizations, such as CAIR, often rely on outright falsehood to deceive others into dropping their defenses. Non-Muslim Westerners should understand that there is no reason to place Islam beyond critical analysis or Muslims above offense merely on that basis. In fact, there is every reason not to do this. Islamic law poses a threat to nearly every liberal value that the West holds dear. Learn as much as you can about why Islam is dangerous. Understand its history. Learn how thousands of people can do brutal things each year explicitly in the name of Islam and Allah, while a billion others never seem to be terribly bothered about it. In short, educate yourself. Then you can educate others. And they can educate others as well. Remember, Islam is not just a religion, but also a political system. Write to political leaders. Inform them. Make them accountable for each compromised standard and every freedom lost in the name of appeasement to Islam. Expose the lies and double-standards. Denounce the hypocrisy of Muslim nations. Speak truthfully. Speak tactfully. If Islam wins, then civilization loses... but at least we will have gone down with a fight.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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