Islam is alittle of this and a little of that.... This similarity - TopicsExpress


Islam is alittle of this and a little of that.... This similarity is to show you talmuz the idol at the gates people were weeping for that God said belief in was a abomination. Here we see that in islamic writings ironically they had faith in a one eyed deity. sacred texts~Tammuz in the hymns is called the pre-eminent steer of heaven, and a popular sacrifice was a white kid of the god Tammuz, which, however, might be substituted by a sucking pig. Osiris had also associations with swine, and the Egyptians, according to Herodotus, sacrificed a pig to him annually. When Set at full moon hunted the boar in the Delta marshes, he probably hunted the boar form of Osiris, whose human body had been recovered from the sacred tree by Isis. As the soul of Bata, the hero of the Egyptian folk tale, 1 migrated from the blossom to the bull, and the bull to the tree, so apparently did the soul of Osiris pass from incarnation to incarnation. Set, the demon slayer of the harvest god, had also a boar form; he was the black pig who devoured the waning moon and BLINDED THE EYE OF RA. VS The GREAT DECEIVER The Dajjal is described as being a deceiver who will have miraculous powers and who will temporarily hold power over the whole earth: The Prophet was warning us that in the last days there would be someone who would deceive all of humanity. The Dajjal will possess power over this world. Thus, Muslims must be careful not to have the love of the world in their hearts so they won’t leave their religion and follow him. He will be able to heal the sick by wiping his hand on them, like Jesus did, but with this deceit the Dajjal will lead people down the path to hell. Thus the Dajjal is the false Messiah, or Anti-Christ (Massih ad-Dajjal). He will pretend to be the Messiah, and deceive people by showing them amazing powers. 1 He is One Eyed Possibly the most frequently quoted reference to the Dajjal is that HE IS BLIND IN ONE EYE. The Hadith however, are contradictory regarding which eye is blind: Allahs Messenger made a mention of Dajjal in the presence of the people and said: Allah is not one-eyed and behold that Dajjal is blind of the right eye and his eye would be like a floating grape. 2 Allahs Messenger said: Dajjal is blind of left eye with thick hair and there would be a garden and fire with him and his fire would be a garden and his garden would be fire. 3 Infidel The Dajjal is sometimes said to have the word “Infidel” (Kaafir) written in-between his eyes, possibly on his forehead. But this word will only be perceptible to true Muslims, and no one else: Allahs Messenger said: Dajjal IS BLIND OF ONE EYE and there is written between his eyes the word kaafir (unbeliever/infidel). He then spelled the word as k. f. r., which every Muslim would be able to read. 4 corpus.quran/qurandictionary.jsp?q=kfr -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironically the eye of horus was considered.. to be the eye of Ra. Horus was the ancient Egyptian sky god who was usually depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine falcon.[10] His right eye was associated with the SUN GOD, Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon, including the teardrop marking sometimes found below the eye. The mirror image, or left eye, sometimes represented THE MOON AND THE GOD Djehuti (Thoth).[11] wiki -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ironically al ilah the god of islam is the best of all deceivers. And believes not God can have a Son. And all disbelievers in Jesus Christ just happens to have a moon on their mosque.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 10:22:42 +0000

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