Isnt it interesting that we have two wars raging on two fronts, - TopicsExpress


Isnt it interesting that we have two wars raging on two fronts, and Americans, just dont talk about it? The worst case scenarios predicted, is exactly what we are getting. The Middle East will not have a Democracy shoved down their throat. They dont want it, they dont value it. We have no business in nation building. We need oil, and thats what our policy should be about. NOTHING MORE. We are witnessing the release of the hornet nests. I think we all have a better understanding of what a Hench man like Saddam Hussein, was presiding over. We cant practice such hypocrocity as to make friends with killers, because they have what we need, and then take a moral stand for Human Rights and freedom. If we all do some digging, we will, learn that we have been playing both sides, since the end of World War II. The United States CIA, has financed executions of leaders in the Middle East, who was actually elected by their own people. (Please research Iran).... If you are for these Wars, then please write your Congressman, and tell him/her, that you want it done and won! If you want change, then let the US military do what its best at. To affect change, its a FACT that you must outright win the war. Has nothing to do with winning hearts and minds of the enemy. Its about the complete defeat of a nation. Its about savagely killing to the point the enemy must and will submit to a government and way of life imposed on them. ( I dont like it either! It aint the world, I would make if I was KIng!!!)Hence, why the conflict with Isreal, and its neighbors will never end. Japan, and Germany, had no choice. We bombed the civilian population into surrender...... I personally dont want any of it! I am not willing to sacrifice my girls for this war. Isnt it interesting that, Senators, and Congressman, dont have their children fighting over there? The fact of the matter is that we all would fight, if our country, was truly under threat. But we know deep down inside that the war is really just more nation arranging, with our best and brightest, and most in need, fighting for some big ass corporations wanting those markets behind the scenes. They just dont want the PR problems that go with honesty. If democracy doesnt take, and of course It cant, they will have no blood on their hands. We voted, and our government has done it for them. How does this happen? Because we arent paying attention anymore. We have been lulled into an apathy, where things are just good enough, that we can ignore the reality of the rest of the world. Then we are shocked when a 9/11 happens. We say oh my God, the world is going crazy! I say lets just get honest with ourselves and realize that we must have their oil. Nation rebuilding has never happened from a good Public Relations firm. If you agree with this war, then get over there and fight for your freedom. Fight them because they hate our freedom I say deal with countries that will dish out the oil to us, grow up and realize that countries do not have friends, but only mutual interests. (Iran/ Irag) I stand behind everything I say as FACT, with no information either academically, or historically, that contradicts this post.... We need their Oil. Lets buy it as cheap as possible. If we cant get it, then you can kiss this country goodbye. There is no Western civilization that survives without oil. Without it, we will be fighting the enemy here! We would be slaughtered like lamb. Oil in a country, is like water, to an individual. Yes, I believe in alternative energy. But lets get real, we are a long way off of it being a reality. If you want to go off and spudder on that, enjoy your utopian ideal of the future. We are dealing with now. The disgusting reality of the NOW is simple; if you go to war, then win it. Its barbaric, demonic, vile, and evil, however, less people actually die in the end.... I for one dont want it! Lets get our oil, get out of their business, and let them sort it out. Once again, I dont like one thing I wrote. If you believe in protecting democracy for Isreal, then be my guest and send your kid to fight for it. I believe in the United States. Keep asking yourself if you will send your child there. (Some among us have our kids there, and please know that I want them back without as much as a hang nail!) Remember, that we value democracy, that doesnt mean they have to! Isnt choice a part of freedom? If they vote themselves out of having a choice, (Palestine) So be it. I dont want violence, suffering, injustice or any of it. But my fellow Americans, please be aware that we are going down the same path that led to the fall of the Roman Empire. Our intervention, and control, is what brings down most super powers. My answer is to do business, with even the worse of the worse. Isnt that what we call in a free market system, business? .... I hate it too.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 02:45:57 +0000

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