Isnt this exactly what weve all come to expect from the Obama - TopicsExpress


Isnt this exactly what weve all come to expect from the Obama Admin. An organization like Oath Keepers whos mission, among other things, is to remind those in any position who have taken an oath to Protect & Defend the Constitution of these United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic,,, is now being accused by the Federal Government through New York Intelligence Agencies of being Right Wing Extremists and a threat to law enforcement. This is simply one more step among many to try and paint any/everyone who still believes in our Founding Documents as a threat that must be opposed by all law enforcement agencies across our nation. Considering how Extremist and Lawless the present Administration actually is, the only people or organization that Oath Keepers happens to be a threat to is the Progressive Movement and its leadership. Not a physical threat, mind you,, but a POLITICAL and a MORAL THREAT. Everyone with a Moral Code of Conduct is a threat to the Progressive leadership & their movement, and must be eliminated. In the Progs own words,, The Ends Justify the Means DIVIDE & CONQUER This is just one of their most effective Means to an End . It has worked,, so far. It is time to change that equation, we must support those who support us. After WWII, the Nuremberg trials that were held to convict war criminals from Germany & Japan set the precedent that any solider or law enforcement officer making excuses for their crimes against Humanity by saying that they were following orders from a superior officer were FOUND GUILTY. Several were executed. Mainly, it was those very same Superior Officers giving orders to their subordinates. I was following orders is NO EXCUSE for carrying out Genocide on ANYONE, especially because of RACE, RELIGION AND/OR POLITICAL BELIEF. Oath Keepers is an organization that simply reminds public officials, whether in elected office or in law enforcement,, of the oath they took upon being seated in that office. For this, or any other Administration to purposely spin the truth in this manner should tell everyone exactly what the Fed Gov has in mind for all citizens who still believe in our Founding Documents, those who still believe in the most precious gift given to all the Human Race on this Earth,, the Right to Choose,, FREE WILL. This promise from our Creator will be stripped from Humanity for all time. For if we in these United States lose the will to fight,, we lose the fight for all of Humanity everywhere. There is simply nowhere left to run to, nowhere left to hide, nowhere left to go and Worship His Name in the manner of our Choosing, among our family & friends, without waiting to feel a hot bullet burning through our bodies as we die in His Name. Sure,, thatll get us to Paradise,,Blessed are those,,, But it still leaves those we left behind in a Hell on Earth situation. I, for one,, will not have to explain to my Maker, & to the Master, Jesus Christ,, why I did nothing to preserve those Gifts given to Humanity as Evil men took them away. The Gift of Human Liberty.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 17:44:12 +0000

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