Israel and Jews are of stupid bible myth legends trying true. - TopicsExpress


Israel and Jews are of stupid bible myth legends trying true. They are fakes. Why be a jew? What do jews do in Torah Talmud? Try to get a jews answers, and you get the snakey twister-show. ( such twister-show goes for most dogma religions/ideology/culture ). Detailed, documented proof of why Israels UN membership is completely illegitimate - as is Israel itself, thereby: The Partition Plan of 1947 Became Invalid because It Was NOT Approved by the UN Security Council salem-news/articles/april042010/delegit-oxymoron-ah.php Zionism’s assertion that Israel was given its birth certificate and thus legitimacy by the UN General Assembly partition resolution of 29 November 1947 is pure propaganda nonsense, as demonstrated by an honest examination of the record of what actually happened. In the first place the UN without the consent of the majority of the people of Palestine did not have the right to decide to partition Palestine or assign any part of its territory to a minority of alien immigrants in order for them to establish a state of their own. Despite that, by the narrowest of margins, and only after a rigged vote, the UN General Assembly did pass a resolution to partition Palestine and create two states, one Arab, one Jewish, with Jerusalem not part of either. But the General Assembly resolution was only a non-binding proposal - meaning that it could have no effect, would not become binding, until and unless it was approved by the Security Council. The truth is that the General Assembly’s partition proposal never went to the Security Council for consideration. Why not? Because the US knew that, if approved, and because of Arab and other Muslim opposition, it could only be implemented by force; and President Truman was not prepared to use force to partition Palestine. So the partition plan was vitiated (became invalid) and the question of what the hell to do about Palestine - after Britain had made a mess of it and walked away - was taken back to the General Assembly for more discussion. The option favored and proposed by the US was temporary UN Trusteeship. It was while the General Assembly was debating what do that Israel unilaterally declared itself to be in existence - actually in defiance of the will of the organized international community, including the Truman administration. facebook/groups/620457104708435/permalink/669960883091390
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:35:13 +0000

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