Israeli airstrike kills fighters in Gaza Three Palestinians dead - TopicsExpress


Israeli airstrike kills fighters in Gaza Three Palestinians dead in air strike after two Palestinians killed in separate incidents in West Bank. Last updated: 11 Mar 2014 11:20 Ramallah - An Israeli air strike in the Gaza Strip has killed three Palestinians who were associated with Islamic Jihad, the group said. The Israeli military had no immediate comment on Tuesdays attack, which Islamic Jihad said in a statement targeted its members as they resisted an Israeli military incursion into Rafah, a town bordering Egypt. The latest Israeli escalation can lead to the situation spiralling out of control Nabil Abu Rudeineh, Palestinian Authority spokesperson The attack comes after a Palestinian man died following a car chase with Israeli police near Tulkarem in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, Palestinian sources said on Tuesday. Another Palestinian, a 20-year- old student, was shot dead by Israeli soldiers near Ramallah on Monday night, the Israeli military confirmed. Fida Majadleh was killed after his car veered off the road near Jbara checkpoint, south of Tulkarem, during the chase, according to [Arabic] Tulkarem Governor Abdullah Kamil. There was no immediate comment from the Israeli army, but the police described the incident as a traffic accident, and said Majadlehs car, which was stolen from Israel, hit another vehicle. Late on Monday night, 20-year- old Saji Darwish, a second year student at Birzeit University, was shot near Ramallah. Clashes following his death left five Palestinians wounded. The Israeli army said he was part of a group of Palestinians throwing stones at settler cars between the villages of Beiten and Deir Debwan, just outside of Ramallah. Dangerous provocation A Palestinian Authority spokesperson said the latest Israeli escalation can lead to the situation spiralling out of control. In a statement [Ar] to the media, Nabil Abu Rudeineh said the deaths constituted a dangerous provocation that will torpedo whats left of the peace process. He urged the US or the Quartet (made up of the UN, the US, the EU, and Russia) to intervene. Protests erupted near the Israeli embassy in the capital of Jordan on Tuesday in response to the killing of a Jordanian-Palestinian judge at the border crossing between the West Bank and Jordan on Monday. After a preliminary investigation, Israel said he had tried to snatch a weapon from a soldier and strangle him. Last month, Amnesty International published a report which said Israeli forces were using excessive violence in the occupied West Bank, killing dozens of Palestinians over the past three years in what the rights group said might constitute a war crime. The West Bank-focused study said more Palestinians were killed in 2013 than the two previous years combined. It also said the Palestinians did not appear to be posing any imminent threat to life in the cases that were reviewed. The Israeli army dismissed the criticism, saying security forces had responded to an increase in Palestinian violence. Source: Al Jazeera FEATURED ON AL JAZEERA Armed Venezuelans fear Syria scenario Pro-government collectives seen as defenders of democratic socialism by supporters and armed thugs by opponents. President Putins sarcasm Have Western diplomats lost their sense of humour and missed the big picture? The Dolphin Hunters We join an annual tribal dolphin hunt in the Solomon Islands and ask whether this ancient practice should be stopped. The Ukraine crisis: A Middle East perspective Is there a link between Syria and Ukraine conflicts? HIDE COMMENTS Content on this website is for general information purposes only. Your comments are provided by your own free will and you take sole responsibility for any direct or indirect liability. You hereby provide us with an irrevocable, unlimited, and global license for no consideration to use, reuse, delete or publish comments, in accordance withCommunity Rules & Guidelines and Terms and Conditions. RELATED New report details brutal Israeli policies Amnesty International highlights harrowing accounts of Israeli soldiers killing and wounding Palestinian civilians. 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Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 11:59:41 +0000

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