It always gets to around this time of year were I think what could - TopicsExpress


It always gets to around this time of year were I think what could of been, what i had and get reminiscing. A few year back i found myself in a solid, loving relationship with a beautiful girl. Definitely felt this girl was the one for me and had even considered proposing at one point but that was to change. She worked a normal 9-5 and would talk about it as most people do. I started to notice a name pop up in conversation more often than not. Well call him Joe for arguments sake. When Id asked who he was she fobbed it off as just a new lad in work. Id no real reason to have cause for worry as i had trusted the girl. Few weeks had passed and all is good. Decide to surprise the one and only with flowers as Id finished work early. Walk into the gaf and shes nowhere to be seen. Hear a bit of commotion upstairs so I assume shes still in bed. I thread lightly up the stairs with the flowers and swing open the door. To my dismay shes in bed with the Joe cunt. I dropped the flowers and punched him in the face before she tried to stop me. His eye swelled up like a bag of cotton almost immediately. He scampered out of the room before I could do any further damage. Needless to say i finished it there and then. Havent heard from her since and hope to never again nor have I seen him about. Years of trust gone in an instant. Its always around this time of year i sit back and think at what could of been. If it hadnt been for cotton eyed Joe, Id of been married a long time ago, Where did he come from? Where did he go? Where did he come from Cotton eyed Joe.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:43:37 +0000

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