It breaks my heart to tell you this but I must. The Maine - TopicsExpress


It breaks my heart to tell you this but I must. The Maine Republican party has caved on Obama Care. Susan Collins said she is not going to try to repeal this law but thinks that it can be fixed after the election. The government has said that after the election 3 thousand more Mainers are going to lose their insurance and prices are going to sky rocket because of Obama Care and last night Governor LePage during a debate was telling people to sign up for insurance through the Obama Care Exchanges instead of signing up for Medicaid. This now means that the candidates the Republican party has chosen down the rest of the ticket will change their tune and support Obama Care because they support party leadership. The voters are left holding the bag because politicians, corporations and unions are exempt from Obama Care so you are all screwed. When things look overwhelming lets take it one issue at a time. We can remove Susan Collins. The Erick Bennett for U.S. Senate campaign is polling at 5 percent with the general public and 11 percent among independents. 18 percent of unenrolleds dont know who they are voting for and the same applies to the Democrats and Republicans. To put this in perspective our U.S. Senate campaign is performing better than the Blaine Richardson for U.S. Congress and Eliot Cutler for Governor campaigns and they are on the ballot. If we can reach those people that have not heard of our campaign yet we can win. It is that simple. We have three weeks left. Please email, call, text or use social media and tell your family and friends about erickbennett and let them know they have a choice. We can take back our U.S. Senate seat, we just need to get the word out. Polling at five and 11 percent as a Write In candidate is remarkable because that means we are in the grass roots now and the general public is helping spread the word. If we keep pushing hard over the next couple of weeks we can win this. I want to thank everyone that has been working to make this happen.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 13:34:47 +0000

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