It does not matter who we put in office that should be evident by - TopicsExpress


It does not matter who we put in office that should be evident by now .This seems to be a game that keeps us divided as Americans.The middle class needs jobs those jobs can be created by the American consumer,not only will job creation at home help us economically it will also mean that third world countries will not have the demand for the products that they manufacture without regard for the environment that we all share, we do not need new tariffs or laws, we do not need the congress, the senate or the White House all we need to do is to buy American made goods, in fact the only way that we can rebuild our middle class and protect our enviroment is to buy American, buying American will create jobs, jobs for Americans not for third world countries, buying American will help to keep the American dollar circulating in America, buying American will help protect the enviroment.We have become a country of whiners if we want to set a new course for our economy and at the same time protect our enviroment we have to quit whining and create the need for American job growth. Spend your dollars to create American jobs and help protect our environment for our children and ther generations to come . If you say that you can not find a product you want that is made in America it is probably because you have not tried hard enough. Even in Walmart you can find plenty of items Made In America. By making an effort to buy every thing you can from American companies you will not only be a job creator but you will also be taking action to help protect our environment, if you wait on companies now manufacturing in third world countries to return to the USA to create jobs you will be waiting a long time. If you wait on our government to create jobs you will be waiting a long time.If you wait for new technology to create jobs you will be waiting for a long time. You hold the keys needed to protect our environment and to job creation its called consumer purchasing power, quit waiting for someone else to create jobs and protect our environment invest in America and our future generations by purchasing from companies manufacturing in America.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 16:31:20 +0000

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