It has been almost 5 years since God made you one of his angels. I - TopicsExpress


It has been almost 5 years since God made you one of his angels. I have been thinking about you a lot lately as the holiday season approaches and it still saddens me as each year passes that you will not be here to celebrate Christmas with us. I have also been reflecting on this past year and all of the amazing things that happened like me working with a doctor that I love, getting into nursing school (something that you always said I would be good at and that I should pursue my dream of becoming a nurse) and knowing that you are not here to live these amazing life moments with me anymore, youre gone and there is a hole in my heart that can never be mended. Tonight, on my way home, I heard this simple yet powerful song and I feel like this was you talking to me. I feel like you were saying that you are here with me everyday; whether it be the sun shining, the cold wind blowing, or the snow flying you are here with me, guiding me along this lifes journey. It is hard not having you around sometimes, you were my childhood best friend and I loved every minute of us together...And I feel like tonight you said to me through this song the four words I needed to hear the most You Are Not Alone Hope heaven is treating you well up there Stephanie Westrum...farewell and goodnight!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 03:16:57 +0000

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