It has been an eventful week for April, and it started on Monday - TopicsExpress


It has been an eventful week for April, and it started on Monday with a trip to the ophthalmologist. I didnt realize just how difficult she was having with her vision until they did the eye exam, and fitted her with a new prescription. When she looked through those glasses and was able to see the images on the test, youve never seen anyone celebrate so wildly. She was euphoric. Later, when she got her actual prescription glasses, Ive never seen her so happy in all the time Ive known her. She was literally crying tears of joy, right there in the glasses store. I love to see her so happy. Thereafter, all week long when she saw certain things..a funny billboard, the beginning of autumn foliage, a pretty landscape, the TV screen clearly...she sighs with a mixture of delight and relief. The doctor said her vision difficulty was not because of the stroke. She just needed new glasses. I wish I had taken her there sooner, but was afraid shed have trouble communicating during the eye test. Then I asked her if she wanted to go to the eye doc, and got an emphatic yes. So we went, and it was the best doctor visit ever. Outside of that, it has been business as usual with April. Still making strides in speech and physical therapy...still coming closer to a better sense of normalcy. Yesterday she went to Philips annual doctor check up and provided input, and has made him get his homework done all week. She is communicating better, pacing herself physically, and getting the rest she needs. I am hoping that with her glasses and accompanying vision improvement that she will make further progress in the road to recovery. Just as long as she doesnt overdo it or take too big of risks. But overall it has been a week to celebrate in terms of Aprils healing. She is getting more and more ornery with her therapists, and generally enjoying life to its fullest as only she can in her own fun personality. Early in this journey, I would think a lot about April before, and our lives before, and think about all the many changes since June 18. Sometimes I would go to our former bedroom..the room where we shared many happy moments..a room now over taken by our dogs, as our bedroom has been moved to the main floor.. and just sit. Sometimes I would sit in sadness, sometimes nostalgia, sometimes happiness of the fond memories and the thankfulness that she is with us. I would sit there on the old bed and think of many of happiest memories of my life. Other times I would think silly stuff like, why didnt we move our bedroom downstairs before! But I realized that doing this was again paying homage to a relic, or a shrine, perhaps...and this is not necessary because there is nothing really to memorialize. Because my bride is just downstairs, and I love her now more than ever...and we have a future and will be able to make new memories. And that is great. So there are challenges. There are rough points. There are emotions. There are instances I want to tear my hair out. But it only lasts only a little while. When it blows over theres April...laughing about something...taking delight in something... Being playful...smiling at me...fixing my shirt...being my wife. So in its proper perspective, how could anyone wish for anything but the hear and now (and for the future, of course). So the journey continues, thanks be to God. Good night, friends. Let me know how I can pray for you. God bless you all.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 01:59:12 +0000

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