It hasnt even been 48 hours since I made the appeal to help the - TopicsExpress


It hasnt even been 48 hours since I made the appeal to help the two elderly female god fearing scholars aged 89 and 86 in Morocco and Allahuakbar more than a staggering £11,000 has already been donated. I truly feel from my heart that the response for this appeal has ONLY been so greatly received and shared due to the great baraka these two ladies possess. Allah aids his believers from provisions they could not imagine off and in front of our eyes were seeing this, Allah responding to their call! Calls, emails and messages have come from all around the world to help them alhamdulillah and its just been so unreal how this has gone viral all over the world. If you still havent donated, please donate and be part of this great cause. These are people worth helping. (If you still dont know what this is for, please read below and share to all your contacts. Lets honour our female scholars in need) This post below was made 24 hours ago: In Morocco, this is something you all must read, know and do something about. As I met the different great scholars of hadith over the last few days, I came across two great elderly female scholars (names who i wont mention) aged both 86 and 89. As we read hadith and studied under them for several hours, we soon came to realise several things. Both whom are blood sisters, do NOT have a father, brother nor husband, both solely depend on each other at this age (No man in the house). The situation of the house was such it had mice freely walking around and was way below living conditions. The situation was also such that though we could see the sisters wanting to host us with food etc, they could not afford to give even the most basic of things such as tea etc. Despite this, before we left they gave and hosted us with everything they could possibly give and had in the house, their generosity was felt heart to heart. The situation I came to realise soon was when I had gone to the bathroom in the house, the flush to the toilet had not been working for over 4 years subhanallah, 4 years!!! Both sisters who hail from a truly great family and from great scholarship, are living in this dire horrible situation today. Everything I had and could give, i gave for i saw 2 individuals whom in my eyes were truly the friends of Allah. Their manners, fear and piety of Allah was out of this world, that could be felt from just being in their noble presence. Over the next weeks, i will be trying to raise as much as i can for them to give to them in order to change this condition theyre in. These two sisters have no one and dont have a penny to their name and their full reliance has been on Allah till now. Allah made me come across them for a certain reason and has allowed me to share this with you for a certain reason also. Please please, helping and receiving Dua from people who are close to Allah is the best thing you can acquire in this world, please be generous now by giving something to them. Both sisters have never been to Hajj and for them this is a dream, lets do our best to make this dream a reality this Hajj inshaallah. Via Zayd ul Islam, Founder of Al Buruj Press, UK To donate, please private message us here on this page or just simply donate via the link provided below on the comments feed. Please also inform all your friends and family by sharing this story and the donation link.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 19:49:56 +0000

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