It is a joke but I it is not bad to take it as advice for more our - TopicsExpress


It is a joke but I it is not bad to take it as advice for more our politicians nowadays may be they stop cheating upon their people and may be have have a good lesson ... It is narrated that three guys have captured in a farmer orchard involved in stealing his plants .. After he tied them with the help of his two sons he gave them two choices . Either they led to police station to face a fair trial or accepted his terms ..All their beseeches have gone in vain . At last they have accepted his hard terms the peasant shout in his harsh voice you know what is my terms ??? .. they said no with amazingly ... He said with a ambiguous smile good... I want to penetrate what every one of you stole inside his backside .... At first they refused his offer but lastly they agree to avoid the prison which he has threatened them ..He started with cucumbers stealer and ordered him to take off his underwear ... the tough farmer chooses the biggest one and begins to push it in with screaming of that guy ... After he finished he called the second one who has stolen the eggplant and he did as he has done with the first one ..the poor guy begged the farmer not to do that but he insists or send him to prison .. He subjected to his order but after a afew minutes while the farmer trying to penetrate it inside .. the peasant watched that guy cries one time and laugh another one .. he asked him the cause of his laughing and crying .. The guy says I cried because it harmful and I feel with difficult pain and when you saw me laughing I am wondering how our third friend afford that big melon inside and how can you push it in .. o my firends if there is one in each our country like that farmer .do they dare to steal us .. or if politicians know the punishment of their action ..have they risk in their asses ??? I wait your comments you all ....Fiyadh
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 22:46:45 +0000

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