It is almost impossible to hear a balanced view on what is - TopicsExpress


It is almost impossible to hear a balanced view on what is happening in Gaza right now. On one hand you have Hamas, accused of using Palestinians as human shields whilst only having the most densely populated square mile to base itself, with 2 million desperate, cut off people who have no one representing them on the world stage. On the other side you have Israel, who yes have every right to defend themselves and their people from rocket fire and attack and who yes deserve a protected homeland because of the hand that history has dealt them. However, I truly believe that until we recognise Palestine as a country and its people as human, we leave the door open for martyrs and terrorists in BOTH sides to keep using the same reasoning to murder one another. How can we, as one voice, outside the realms of politics come together to present a resolution to the UN to send into Gaza a peace keeping force to develop and restore an emerging Palestine nation. Does anyone know?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 21:10:20 +0000

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