It is easy for those of us who sit in cozy offices and shuffle - TopicsExpress


It is easy for those of us who sit in cozy offices and shuffle through newspapers to regard the goings-on in the city as a) right b) justified c) deserving. It is also easy to dismiss all those arguing at the illegalities as, unschooled, illeterate and arguing from emotional points. We however need to re-think this stand, we just watched videos of a lawyer get rolled on KCCA tarmac by unidentified, non uniformed individuals, they proceed to beat assault and tear his shirt in the process of approaching him, when did we condone such militancy? was it not us that cried foul when Amins vans rolled the streets with Panda-gari vehicles staging roadblocks and telling people to roll in Mud? when did we get to this place where the city is strewn with police mambas, roads closed, teargas flaring each passing day and illegal detentions and arrests slowly starting to look normal in the public eye? How did we get to this place where citizens need permission to talk, permission to meet, permission to eat at restaurant of their choice and now even permission to record police statements against their brutality? The elitists in us justify each reason finding a law or creating one where there is lack there-of to supress those opposed to us. There is a word used in Buganda when the space cannot be enough for all to operate, Okwabika we are in the final stages where after the buildings we call our offices will matter no more, the papers we call our degrees wont come to our rescue, the commercial interests we vest in the city wont live anymore! only the wise can think for the others, the fools on the other hand trace all to their survival!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 10:39:02 +0000

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