It is interesting that in the U.S. weve made obvious racism so - TopicsExpress


It is interesting that in the U.S. weve made obvious racism so taboo that calling someone/something racist has become a joke or something that people become overly defensive about. Its not a bad idea that as things change then the way we talk about them should change as well. TLDR, overt racism is so bad that even the KKK have stopped being racist but racial biases are the new issue that no one wants to acknowledge. TLDR snippets: The racial identities of Darren Wilson, the white police officer, and Michael Brown, the black man he killed, shouldnt matter, they say. Let the legal system handle the decision without race-baiting. Justice should be colorblind. Science has bad news, though, for anyone who claims to not see race: Theyre deluding themselves, say several bias experts. Human beings are consistently, routinely and profoundly biased, Ross says. Racial biases can in some ways be more destructive than overt racism because theyre harder to spot, and therefore harder to combat, he says. Colorblind racism is the new racial music most people dance to, he says. The new racism is subtle, institutionalized and seemingly nonracial. The courts may ignore colorblind racism, but ordinary people ought to be aware of it when they talk about racism, others say. Ross, author of Everyday Bias, says being biased doesnt make people bad, just human. We need to reduce the level of guilt but increase the level of responsibility we take for it, he says. I didnt choose to internalize these messages, but its inside of me and I have to be careful. Ross says its even more difficult to get smart people to admit bias. The smarter we are, the more self-confident we are, and the more successful we are, the less likely were going to question our own thinking, Ross says.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:09:43 +0000

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