It is just incredibly absurd to be involved in an Internet group - TopicsExpress


It is just incredibly absurd to be involved in an Internet group that threatens and punishes people for fighting back when a whole group can insult him with impunity and with the moderators blessing, the bastard. Whats wrong with punishment? For one thing, the teacher allies himself or herself with the bullies, who are the natural allies of authority figures, being of the same ilk. They think that the harm that they do, the destruction of a persons abilities, is sanctioned by God or something like that. I have been damaged at work by people who find the ability to punish people charming and addictive. Their workplace is crap, filthy and unproductive, but by God they have their authority which is what crapped up the place. They are addicted to the destruction. Of course telling them off will just incense them. Here is a good list: We all want our kids to do right. But research shows that children become more moral, and more able to do right when theyre raised WITHOUT punishment. Thats because kids who are punished: Are worried about avoiding punishment, not about doing whats right. So they wont necessarily do right if the parent isnt watching. Are more likely to lie. Are less likely to take responsibility. Are more frightened, angrier, and less in control of their emotions. Feel worse about themselves and are thus less generous of spirit. Dont develop as much empathy or caring for others, and thus are less likely to do the right thing. Have a less developed sense of ethics, because they are more concerned with force and power. Learn both the victim (which is how they perceive themselves) and the bully (how they perceive the parent) side of the relationship, so theyre more likely to bully. Are more likely to use force to solve problems. Are more likely to feel disconnected from, and disrespectful towards, the parent, and thus are less open to the parents influence. Dont feel completely safe with parents who punish them, and therefore dont fully process their emotions or learn to manage them. Im all of the above. I dont feel safe with any authority figures. I cant see them as right when they are right, and I feel sick and helpless when they impose wrong on me. Certain people are simply never going to meet me in person because of a moral authority that is even worse than the usual, that causes me even more pain because they have a grip on me where I live. Which is why they play keep-away with what they have that I like. and will kill people who cross them up on that game. Being beaten, physically beaten many times has given me the attitude that one should expect if they have even one functioning brain cell. Im sure that they expect it. They just feed on it. Time to sour the blood meal. ahaparenting/parenting-tools/positive-discipline/Consequences_Punishment
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 21:09:55 +0000

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