It is no surprise then that the economy and job creation are top - TopicsExpress


It is no surprise then that the economy and job creation are top concerns for many voters. Health care was ranked in top, followed by job creation and economic growth and accountability in government. Other economic issues are prominent as well including the budget deficit and provincial debt, gas prices , retirement security, and electricity prices. Ladies and gentlemen in Windsor West. 1) I Helmi Charif know how it feels when you drive hundreds of Kms to seek medical attention due to lack of specialists locally I have been doing it personally for 7 years with my ill son. I know how it feels when you have to wait long hours in the emergency rooms to be seen by doctors. 2) I know how it feels when working families struggle and single mothers have to work more than one job to make ends meet and to put food on the table to feed their children and to keep pace with inflation.Our wages just arent keeping up with the cost of living. I know how it feels when you lose your job because it has been exported to somebody else overseas. 3) I know how it feels when our children have to fundraise for school essentials and university students have to graduate with tons of debts on their shoulders and they cant find jobs. 4) I know how it feels when our seniors who invested their lives in the workforce retire with no dignity, no security and with worry while public CEOs collect six-figure salaries. Ladies and Gentlemen every problem has a solution some people they ignore it because of self interest. The solution is in how to control the wasted money of taxpayers. Examples: Public sector CEOs who are receiving six figures salaries even after theyre fired for not doing their job. The government spends about $1 million a day on consultants. The pay raise of MPPs . The handouts to friends and cronies. The programs that are useless like Local Health Integration Networks (LHINs) and so on of corruptions. We need to make sure to spend our money wisely and in the front line of peoples priorities. We need to support government action that would stop making new laws and regulations that make it more costly to do business in Ontario which in turn drive jobs out of the province we need to improve the economic climate and attract investors to invest here in Ontario. I was honored to run in the last two provincial elections and receive your support for a strong second place finish. Again i am asking for your supports and votes. A vote for Helmi Charif will make your voice heard in the legislation. Will bring honesty and transparency to the political system, will make other political parties accountable. Will make your issues and concerns priorities. I will be your eyes, ears, words and hands. Thank you in advance.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 05:28:33 +0000

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