It is now standard practice for British nationalists to take - TopicsExpress


It is now standard practice for British nationalists to take refuge behind a whinge about abuse every time they are faced with a challenge to the lying and scaremongering. The oleaginous Dougie Alexander is no exception. As to this pompous, self-righteous cant about the country being divided, so what? There will always be differences of political perspective. Better a genuine debate on a real and significant question than the faux contest between Red and Blue Tories that has rendered British politics and ideological desert. What is this fool suggesting? That important constitutional questions should not be put to the electorate lest there be disagreement? Maybe we shouldnt have elections either. Or different political parties. The real motivation behind Alexanders pitiful bleating about division is not hard to find. We have seen similar from Willie Rennie and others. Knowing that the anti-independence mob have been guilty of conducting a truly abominable campaign of deceit, distortion, disinformation and dishonesty, these British politicians are now growing anxious about being held to account for their despicable conduct. They want a free pass. They want to continue their political careers as if the whole atrocious Project Fear thing had never happened and they had never been part of it. I do not believe they should get off so lightly. I firmly believe that politicians should be required to answer for their words and deeds. Most of all, I believe it would undermine our efforts to create a new and better politics in Scotland if our first act on independence was to implicitly condone the behaviour of those have spent the last couple of years like we expect British politicians to behave.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:36:21 +0000

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