It is really frightening to see how many people do not know how to - TopicsExpress


It is really frightening to see how many people do not know how to think or question anything. Just because some “Expert” or “Authority” gives them information on the TV or print media has to be true . That just shows how well the worship of Authority has been ingrained in the collective consciousness of the people...The mind control in this country is so pervasive... that it really sometimes scares the hell out of me. One of the things that I have noticed and it appears to be universal is this idea of “Belief” ...Belief is not synonyms with reality or Truth....Most people can not distinguish this simple fact . Recently, I was in a debate with someone that appears to be stuck in the “authority” paradigm. When I confronted this individual with some facts that they did not “believe” in they got personal and emotional/insulting. When I pressed this issue by asking pertinent questions...silence. This interaction just solidified what I have come to learn over the past few years. It just proves that what has been taken out of our society is a methodology of disseminating information . And if you think about it ...the powers at be do not want a populace able to think critically and disseminate information in an coherent fashion. What they have created is a culture based on stimulus/emotional response with out thinking....This is not by accident . One of the ways that “they” have done this is by oculting history ….If a people do not know their own history ...they become incoherent and easily controlled . Couple that with the Prussian Educational system...and constant stimulus by , Sports, Hollywood, TV etc... You get what we have right now a completely incoherent, easily manipulated addicted to entrainment society ….
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 17:11:20 +0000

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