It is said that “to live is to prepare for death”. For - TopicsExpress


It is said that “to live is to prepare for death”. For those who possess great mind, it would be useful to know how the aging process works so that acquire a great body, despite the ravaging aging process, to match their great mind to stay relevant. Many of FB members undeniably possess great mind. But to meet the demand of the workplace and because of modern lifestyle, many find it difficult to maintain a matching great body. A declining physical afflicted by such lifestyle diseases of arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and diseases from brain shrinkage and determination can easily fizzle out all the great ideas. In human aging process, 2 opposing forces are at work…the interval force inside the body, and the intervening external force. The Internal Force • Built-up of oxidation resulting in free radicals in the body, • Shortening of the telomeres. Outcome: Some of the degenerative conditions caused by free radicals include: • Deterioration of the eye lens, which contributes to blindness. • Inflammation of the joints (arthritis). • Damage to nerve cells in the brain, which contributes to conditions such as Parkinsons or Alzheimers disease. • Acceleration of the ageing process. • Increased risk of coronary heart disease, since free radicals encourage low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol to adhere to artery walls. • Certain cancers, triggered by damaged cell DNA. The External Force • Medical intervention • “Eat, Sleep, Move” In normal circumstances the internal force wins and many of us spend the twilight years bedridden and afflicted by many of illnesses, making life on earth “hell”. Of still many lose their memory and reduce back to behaviour of a child. Is such an outcome inevitable?. The answer is “No” if we know how to circumvent it. Based on research and studies done by doctors and scientists, come Weirobics Life Enhancement. It tackles the RAVAGING INTERNAL FORCES by: • Stimulating blood flow to the brain to prevent brain shrinkage and deterioration; and • Reducing body fat for optimum fitness. (to be continued)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:54:41 +0000

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