It is so hard to believe that this Friday will mark six months - TopicsExpress


It is so hard to believe that this Friday will mark six months since Alexandria Davidson passed away. Some days it feels like yesterday; some days it feels like years. My heart was broken again today when I red of another life lost to Crohns disease. It is happening more and more; and education seems to be less & less. I had someone tell me the other day that they did not know you could die from Crohns disease. John often tells me that not everyone is going to know as much as we do and others do dealing with IBD. Case in point...(please note that I am now in overwhelmed & ticked off momma bear mode.) As most of you know, Alex was in the hospital this past April. I will leave that hospital and all of those involved nameless due to the fact that we are still in the process of legal action. She was also under hospice care at the time. The entire hospital turned into an unbelievable nightmare; which I feel sped up the process of her passing. Every few hours we were being told one thing was going to happen; only to have something else completely opposite occur. By the time it was over and she was discharged, she had been intubated against her will, John and I were removed from ICU by security, a sitter was assigned to watch her 24 hours a day because she was considered homicidal & suicidal, and she was removed from hospice care. It was brought to my attention recently that the decision to make such irrational decisions regarding Alexs health was determined not by her GI physician, not by hospice, not by Alex or us, but by one the Executive Staff at another hospital branch!!!! The reasoning for her discharge from all care was, She doesnt have Crohns anymore. Shes cured. She doesnt need care. If you run the largest hospital in the state of Georgia - YOU BETTER KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT!!!!! I am so beyond upset/livid/angry/overwhelmed/disappointed that I cant think straight. This is why EDUCATION is KEY! In case any of you reading this doesnt know anything, or very little about Crohns, please learn these two things. 1) THERE is NOT a CURE CURRENTLY for CROHNS DISEASE. 2) You CAN DIE from CROHNS DISEASE. I know that none of this will bring Alex back. The way everything happened with Alex was completely in Gods hands. I have never; nor will I ever doubt that. I cant change the past; but I know that awareness, knowledge and education are key to the future. The loss that the IBD community has suffered in the past six months is mind numbing. The ones fighting day in and day out are getting worse (for the most part.) Research is going on continuously; but it is hard to be so optimistic every time you read someone has passed. Could some of these senseless deaths have been prevented; or at least slowed down if others besides the GI physicians and the designated nursing staff knew what they were doing. Sadly, Ive read that some physicians and nursing staff dont know or understand. It is infuriating to read posts from patients who have been labeled as drug seeker or worse only because they didnt have four heads and were polka dotted (basically, looked sick.) Only the person themselves know what the pain actually feels like; so people STOP JUDGING. Only being that has a right to judge is GOD; so remember that. If you dont know about something, like a particular disease, please ask or research it. It would probably save a lot of patients lives; and many tears that fall from the loved ones left behind.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 22:42:11 +0000

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