It is the birthday of Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811), author of - TopicsExpress


It is the birthday of Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811), author of Uncle Toms Cabin. Also Alois Alzeheimer (1864) who forgot more than many will ever know. In 1856, mathematician Andrey Markov whose work in probability and recursion is subtle and profound. But it is the tragedy of the birthday of Che Guevara (1928) which stands out for me. Che grew up in a well off Argentinian family that was well read and left wing. His parents gave him a wide education that extended from the centre left to far left, celebrating poetry of Walt Whitman, Robert Frost and Pablo Neruda. It was pitiless and unhinged. He went to medical school, toured South America making contact with other extreme leftists and came into contact with the Castro brothers. The outrage Guevara felt at the conditions of some workers in South America is understandable .. Banana republics were appalling. Miners often did not prosper. poverty was rife. Che heard the grumblings of the poor and disenfranchised and applied his full intelligence to come up with a solution he applied in Cuba and later .. killing innocent people to scare others. Applying injustice as a weapon against those who disagreed with him. Che decided to win, he must taunt the corpse of an opponent. He was particularly uncompromising and blood thirty and was placed in charge of a political prison by Fidel Castro. As second in charge in Cuba, Che shot defectors and labelled deserters as traitors, whom he would then track down and despatch. When he found a poor uneducated person, Che would deluge them with leftist literature. Those surrounding Che felt he was smart. And uncompromising. Castro booted him from Cuba and gave him assignments in foreign lands stirring up trouble. He got to address the UN where he was received like a rock star. He aligned himself with the Soviet Union, but felt they were too soft. From Algeria, the Congo and Bolivia, Che pursued armed rebellion, and to this day, where he went, there is little prosperity, but substantial poverty. It was in Bolivia that Che was finally cornered, with Bolivia having aid of the CIA. Che was captured and killed. Unlike his birth day, that was a liberating day. On this day in 1940, Germany occupied Paris. Not even the birth of Alan Carr in 1976 makes the day cheerful. Worth remembering is that Benedict Arnold died on this day in 1801. Arnold had intended to betray the united states by surrendering West Point. He then fought as a general for the British. It is telling that his last days were as a free merchant. Unlike leftism, the free peoples of the United States offered prosperity, not perpetual enmity. === For twenty two years I have been responsibly addressing an issue, and I cannot carry on. I am petitioning the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott to remedy my distress. I leave it up to him if he chooses to address the issue. Regardless of your opinion of conservative government, the issue is pressing. Please sign my petition at
Posted on: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 11:26:13 +0000

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