It is time we really begin to LOVE, honor and respect ourselves - TopicsExpress


It is time we really begin to LOVE, honor and respect ourselves firsts dear friends. You need to have a relationship with yourself first because I guarantee it is the longest relationship you will have in this lifetime. All other higher and loving relationships come only after you open to self love first. We allow people to treat us the way we feel about ourselves. Take of care your being, see yourself as a beautiful and radiant human being who deserves nothing less than true Love and relationships that come from a place of care and higher purpose; because you do. Go to the mirror now and tell yourself that you are worthy of your own love! Tell yourself this.. I accept and love myself completely for who I am. I am worthy of my love and I accept love now. I allow my soul to shine brightly and be the magnificent being that I truly am. I give and receive love with ease and I release any fear that is blocking me from experiencing more love now. I AM LOVE. Say it to yourself even if at first you dont believe it. We need to create NEW beliefs by nourishing the soul from the inside out through the new thoughts we say about ourselves; and this is going to take consistency. See yourself as a small child who deserves unconditional love, acceptance and nurturing care. Never forget just how powerful and creative you are. You are in charge of your thoughts and life!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:19:59 +0000

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