It is unfortunate that a recent post of mine attracted a lot of - TopicsExpress


It is unfortunate that a recent post of mine attracted a lot of misuse. My posts are always a personal opinion and I post only what I think will deliver one of the four key values I expect them to achieve: They should provoke, make people think, research, argue and debate with a firm point of view. Not simply because they want to disagree or show they are smarter. They should create intrigue, for with intrigue comes curiosity and a desire to get deeper. There may or may not be a debate, but there surely will be a thought seeded in their heads. They should excite, create a sense of joy, accomplishment or desire to possess, with that will come positive thinking and progressive movement. They should educate, with knowledge comes the desire to do. Knowing is critical, it kills the ego, busts the myth of know-it-all. They never ever are to split a group of people to take sides with me or the other party. They are not meant to be divisive, but inclusive. Get people to disagree and debate, thats alright, but not fight and lose respect for the individual. Which is why I never censure responses or block people (unless they insist on sending me only game invites and god pictures!). I believe good debates are like good negotiations, for in the end theres always a deal. Two people decide to do something together. There may be some disagreements, some sacrifices, some compromises, but theres always a willingness to hold hands. Eruptive posts or ones that invite a lot of flak dont deter me, so dont expect me to go mute or distance myself from voicing my opinion on what I think is right. But thats not to pull down somebody, it is to push them up the way I think is right. I would be happy to have people voice their views, offer ideas and contribute, but not by creating two rival parties, and then taking sides. Thats political, cheap and unnecessary. It only appeases the ego. We need more positive arguments. We need you. As one more to the group with eyes on a common goal.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 18:46:39 +0000

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