It is with a great sense of relief that an immeasurable legal - TopicsExpress


It is with a great sense of relief that an immeasurable legal burden is to be lifted from the shoulders of bigots everywhere. How oppressed they have been in recent decades. Everywhere they have been cowed and bullied, their natural instincts mocked and shunned, forced under the thumb of onerous and repressive so-called laws, mobbed and pursued by hordes of others with their secret agendas of collectivization and tribalism. Ahh, how good it will feel to let the Rastus jokes run free! May the black-face makeup and the golly-wog wigs burst free from the guilty closet, may the Black and White Minstrel Show make a happy return to our television screens, may the ah so Chinee accents and the Benny Hill squinty eyes once again roam the tea rooms of factories everywhere without needing to look over their shoulders in fear of a socialist lynch mob. In the words of the old negro - yes, that words back - spiritual: Well, I looked at George Brandis and what did I see?/Set my bigots free./An dere be Andrew Bolt a waitin for me/Singin, let my bigots be!/ Wid a pointy white hood an a burnin cross, oh what glee!/Set my bigots free! (Excuse me. I need to throw up.)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 00:41:27 +0000

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