It just doesn’t seem possible that it’s been more than 10 - TopicsExpress


It just doesn’t seem possible that it’s been more than 10 years since I moved from the mountains of Vermont to The Villages in Florida. I’ve learned more about myself in those years than I ever dreamed possible – much of that learning having occurred during the last two years. What better way to welcome in 2015 than share with my friends the most important of those things I’ve learned about myself – and about …. well …. everything: • I’ve learned when I put a face and name to fear it renders it powerless. What once was threatening and evil – an unknown – becomes real, something I can now evaluate, something I can observe – something I can acknowledge, validate or discard. Those actions remove fear’s hold on me. It can no longer rule my life. Now I know it’s a natural part of me, but it will not overpower or paralyze me or make key life decisions for me. • I’ve learned that diamonds may be forever but friendships transcend, time, distance, dimension and circumstance. My friends may be spread across the globe, but you know you are in my heart, my dreams and my blessings. Without you my world would not be as exciting, as colorful, as diverse or as meaningful. I am forever grateful to have each and every one of you in my life. • I’ve learned we truly do grow from every challenge that’s been placed in our path and it really does make us stronger and smarter – if, that is – we allow ourselves the quiet time to observe, absorb and reconcile. Whether it’s financial setback, illness, loss of love, friend or family, we have the power within us to feel the pain, accept it, stand tall, move forward and allow it to pass through us – it’s that process of passing through us that changes us – that makes us stronger …. or weaker. The choice is ours. • I’ve learned when we dare to share portions of our life story, both our successes and our failures, it not only helps others learn by example but it assists in our own healing process. We can “tell” our stories with friends or strangers, through prayer, laughter, music, art, the written word or any medium, really. When it simply becomes a story to be told to assist others – and when the story can be told without feeling the hurt, the shame, the judgments, the regrets or the anger – then my friends, we know we have healed ourselves. • I’ve learned that love cannot be shared with someone else unless you have it within yourself – for yourself – only then can it be successfully shared and returned as a Devine gift. You cannot give that which you do not have. • I’ve learned I give to others that which I want to receive. Think about that for a moment. ……. If you are not getting back what you want from others, from life – look at what and how you are giving to them as a first step in making positive change occur in your life. Change your actions and watch the changes in your life happen. Positive out = positive in. • Finally and perhaps most importantly, I’ve learned what I focus on is what I will make happen in my life. Brings new meaning to the old adage: What you see is what you get. See in your mind’s eye what you want from life, keep that image alive and well and watch miracles happen. You will begin to take steps – many may be small, some larger – but all of those steps will naturally be taken in support of achieving your vision. My blessing to all of you, my dear friends, is that 2015 will bring you peace, harmony, laughter and love – for those are truly the most meaningful and joyful elements in all of life. Without them, we are not alive – we are simply existing. Love ya - Pat
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 21:21:20 +0000

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