It saddens me, & to be honest, angers me to have to make this - TopicsExpress


It saddens me, & to be honest, angers me to have to make this post. I did not want to have to do this, but apparently there is a former member who is igniting a storm for being banned recently. People please understand that we give MANY chances before banning. We WANT all the support possible for Justina!! When you see ONE thread with comments, what you DONT see is all the other thread/comments &/or private messages. Heres the deal. To explain to all the newer members, this group was founded on my beliefs. I am a christian. I had NO CONNECTION to this whatsoever when I got involved. I dont have kids with mito, Ive never dealt with DCF (or CPS as its called here), never had a child taken from me, etc. I am on the other side of the country!! God led me here to fight this fight! He led me here to intercede & pray for Justina!! He led me to start this group!! Everything that He has shown me, revealed to me, & led me to has worked out! This group has an AMAZING set of caring, compassionate, heroic, active members & I am SO GRATEFUL to all of you! I welcome & respect ALL walks of life, believer or not!! I include & welcome scripture & prayer. I will not tolerate anyone attacking me for my beliefs! This group has now hit over 10K members I GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO GOD!!! Nobody is forced to be in this group. It is a privilege. I have put my HEART & SOUL into this cause. I am very much emotionally invested. I got to meet some of the Pelletiers & they are amazing!! They are down to earth, strong, & caring! I have put so much time, effort, prayers, fasting, tears, & more into this cause! I am so tired of being attacked for doing good! It is shameful when people go around slandering me or this group. I hope they understand they are only hurting JUSTINA!! This is a distraction from the cause & makes me so sad. It deeply hurts my heart!! However, I know this battle is not of the flesh. It is a spiritual battle & the devil has been attacking this group from day one & from EVERY angle possible trying to cause division & strife constantly. I will continue on. I will keep going. I hope you all understand & we can stand united no matter what political preferences, spiritual beliefs, etc. If we werent doing such a good job, the devil wouldnt be attacking so hard. For the believers: I REALLY need your prayer. All of us admins & this group NEED a prayer chain going ASAP! We are up against a major demonic stronghold & attacks have been heightened lately. Sometimes that means the devil knows victory is around the corner & he is trying to rip us off from it! Put on the full armor of God & PRAY! Pray for protection & peace. Pray for guidance & discernment. Thank you so much & God bless! I REALLY appreciate it!!
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:43:33 +0000

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