It seems he eats, drinks and sleeps” Liquor Policy”. He does - TopicsExpress


It seems he eats, drinks and sleeps” Liquor Policy”. He does not have any other matter to talk about. He is not bothered about the financial crisis and the resultant tax and cost burden on the people. Is it because he is trying to recover from the shock he got when Oommen Chandy stole the show from him and snatched away all the credit for this idiotic policy. Mr.Sudheeran, please wake up. You got ample number of issues in our State which is being destroyed financially, economically and environmentally by politicians who are self-centered and without any vision ,other than for him and his family ; and with no obligations towards people. Are you trying to keep this issue of Liquor Policy live until next election so that some people who are driven by sentiments and not by their common sense will vote for your party which is being vanished from most of the states and in the national front. Please don’t mislead people that Liquor Policy is the only evil thing in the State and distract people from issues which concerns their daily lives. Liquor Policy may be a comeback vehicle for your political career, but it is not that important for the common man who is going to bear the brunt for the financial loss of the State from this outdated and unthoughtful policy. Can anybody in the UDF come out in public and tell the common man about the plans to source the finance for the developmental activities of the State. Please don’t give counts of the loans which the Govt is going to take. Come out with figure which is from alternate sources of revenue generation. And this should also not be from the pockets of common man like increase in land value, land registration charges, increase in water levy, tax on second hand vehicle sales etc which your Govt is currently resorting to. We know for sure , that your Govt cant. So for heaven’s sake ,stop bluffing in the Public.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 09:00:58 +0000

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