It seems that Assads accomplices are finding that funding genocide - TopicsExpress


It seems that Assads accomplices are finding that funding genocide is costly and may be preparing to replace him (but keep the regime) Moscow ready to sacrifice Assad, says opposition official 27-11-2014:Syrian opposition activist and member of the Syrian Parliamentary Affairs group, Mohammed Najjar, told al-Araby al-Jadeed that Moscow has been working on a plan for a post-Assad transitional government with the Syrian National Coalition (SNC). ...Najjar said that the main focus of the talks was a transitional government. “Assad is not a red line any more, he said, referring to Moscow’s previously firm position that Assad could not be removed. Assad is an old ally and Russia has supported him financially and militarily throughout the Syrian conflict. ...But Najjar believes that Moscow is ready to compromise on its support for Assad to ease Western sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis. Those sanctions have precipitated a decline in the value of the rouble that, along with a global drop in oil prices, has led to huge financial loses and an economic downturn for Russia. Najjar said that Assad could now be “sacrificed” by Moscow “for the sake of a transitional government and a peaceful resolution in Syria. A transitional government would be “headed by someone who had not been involved in killing and torture”, he said, such as former Syrian foreign minister Farouq al-Sharaa.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 18:24:19 +0000

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