It was Narasingh who exposed his sin to the people and the rulers - TopicsExpress


It was Narasingh who exposed his sin to the people and the rulers of the world who in turn put an end to the practice of diabolism. These things are well known to the people. Ravana could not protect the secrecy of his diabolic practice because Shanishchara knew about it. Similarly I know about the sinful practice of their saudagars. I want to appeal to all the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others to take action unitedly to dismantle the diabolic operation of these saudagars. Shanishchara had made a similar appeal to the people who responded positively. The diabolism makes Earth quake and split. The banias have drained out the riches from different places of the world by their diabolic power. They have kept the entire wealth secretly in an island. In order countries when Earth quakes and splits and extensive damage to life and property is caused, people say that God has willed so. They do not know that someone has drained out the old treasure and that the diabolic force has caused Earth to split. There are countries which are thousands of miles away but even from there they can drain out wealth by splitting Earth. They can do so by means of their diabolic power. They can make the temples and the idols disappear from their original places and reappear at other places far away from there. In the same way they can remove the money and wealth from a foreign land through an underground channel. The incidence of sudden disappearance of the temples and the idols and of their reappearance at far off places is well known in the world. People think that such incidents are occurring according to the astrological prediction. I want to tell the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others that astrological predictions have nothing to do with incidents such as these. It is power of diabolism which has caused these incidents. People do not know and that’s why they talk of predictions. The saudagars have spoiled the thinking faculty of the people, which is why they do not know the real reason of the quake. I want to point that Mother Earth shall never tremble unless she has some serious ailment. Earth is a living organism exactly the same way as a human being is. A moment comes during the 24 hours of a day including night, that one is down with fever and the body ache becomes unbearable. Then the body starts trembling. My brethren, as we suffer from acute pain, so does Mother Earth. Pain is caused by some ailment. Now why does Mother Earth tremble? It is because the saudagars perform an occult rite of diabolism the target of which is Mother Earth. They cause Earth to split and thereafter drain out the money of others. This process causes severe pain which makes Earth tremble. If there was no diabolism, the human beings as well as Mother Earth would have no physical ailment. It is the consequence of Indrajal, that we see a variety of diseases afflicting humankind and Mother Earth. The banias have, however, floated all kinds of irrational stories to confuse the people at large. The purpose is to divert their attention from their nefarious activities. For example, when Earth quakes, they make people believe that God has willed so and that mysterious are the ways of God. A myth is doing round according to which Earth is resting on either of the horns of an ox and when the ox displaces Earth on to the other horn, it makes Earth shake. According to another mythical story Mother Earth is seated on the head of Vasukinag (hydra) and when the serpent moves its head, Earth beings to shake. Such stories as these have been circulated deliberately to confuse the people of the world. Some say Earth is resting on either of the horns of an ox. Some others say that she is seated on the head of a serpent. Still others say that Earth is sprawling on the linga (phallus) of Mahadeo or Lord Shiva. Books produced and circulated by these mahajans are spreading these stories. The names of the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims are mentioned in these books as their authors so that their real authors – the mahajans – are not exposed. Just imagine, Mother Earth is no flower which could be placed on the horn of an ox or on the head of a serpent. The saudagars have damaged the rational faculty of the people, by their diabolic influence, to this extent that they are completely unaware of the existence of Mother Earth as a living being. The saudagars and members of their community know this fact fully well Ravana had circulated a number of books to create confusion in the minds of the people so that they forget whatever they know about Mother Earth. Ravana and members of his clan did have this knowledge. Now saudagars have also done the same thing. It is the effect of Indrajal which has destroyed the wisdom of tie people and caused scores of diseases in the world. There is no other reason for this. Mother Earth is not resting on the horn of an ox or on any other object. Those who say that Mother Earth is resting on this or that object, should tell us how they know it. Only God knows whether Earth is resting on water or she is existing without any support. Nobody has gone outside and seen what or who is supporting Earth. Nor is somebody standing beneath her to vouch for the truth of this story. Just as a human being stands firm on the ground without an outside support, in the same way Mother Earth needs no support. But people under the diabolic influence of the banias say that Earth is resting on the horn of an ox. They are incapable of thinking rationally. They readily believe in millions of things beings spread by the banias through fake books. The purpose of attributing authorship of these books to the ancestors of the Hindus and the Muslims is to hide their identity as writers of these texts. When the kings and rulers will find these books objectionable and make a search for their source, they will never be able to lay their hands on them (the banias). Only those whose ancestors’ names appear in these texts will be caught and punished. With a view to safeguarding their interest and ruining others the saudagars have spread many superstitious ideas, which people are accepting and acting upon. The books produced and circulated by them are receiving wider acceptance. People treat them as their sacred scriptures and read them with great faith. They say that Lord Krishna had churned the sea and for that he used the serpent Vasuki as the churning rope. This story which is so widespread in the world is a concoction of the banias. The fact is, Lord Krishna never churned the sea. He was one of the avatars (incarnation of god). His devotion to the Almighty has immortalized him. He like Shanishchara, did a great service to humanity. That’s why he is still remembered. People do not understand that these saudagars have destroyed their thinking faculty by performing demoniac rite. The diabolic influence would not allow people to believe in whatever I am telling them. Lord Krishna was an avatar. And so are you all the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians. When you say that Krishna had churned the sea then why don’t you do it? If you cannot do it then how do you think he could do it? So it is a myth circulated by the saudagars. Do you think the sea water is like curds in a pitcher? It is a vast expanse of water covering an area of thousands of miles. How can it be churned? Therefore, think in proper, rational manner. It is the diabolic influences of saudagars which make people think so. Just think, we cannot churn a small pond. How could then Shrikrishna have Churned the sea water? Shrikrishna was himself an avatar as all of us are in our own right. In order to instill irrational thoughts in the minds of the people, the banias have placed these books of demoniac knowledge in the homes of both the Hindus and the Muslims. Books found in the Hindus’ homes bear the names of the ancestors of the Muslims and those found in the Muslim homes have names of the ancestors of the Hindus as their authors. Similarly the names of the ancestors of the kings are given as authors in the books placed in the homes of the kings. This is the trick of the trade of these saudagars to keep themselves behind curtain. They think that if at some point of time these books are found objectionable in so far they are propagating mystic practices, the people in whose custody these books will be traced, will be treated as the practitioners of black magic. These people, both the Hindus and the Muslims, will then be tortured and their children will be killed. Thus according to their plan, the saudagars and their children will escape retribution. As a part of their meticulous planning the saudagars have placed these books of dubious content in the homes of both the Hindus and the Muslims. The idea is to create infighting among the Indian people. In the same way, they plan to bring the people of other countries to India and ruin them usurp their money and wealth, the way they have deprived the rulers of India of their wealth they are practising diabolism to ruin the rulers and citizens of all the countries and continents and grab their wealth. People in thousand have been ruined by them in this way. In spite of the fact that the rulers and common people are treating these saudagars with respect, they are not giving up their misdeeds. The king has conferred the title of ‘shah’ on the saudagars. This and several other honors showered on them have not changed them a bit. They continue to be self-seeking, destructive and greedy lot. They do not desist from indulging in obnoxious practices. They are performing diabolic ritual day and night. As a result, the ruling elite, their children and ordinary citizens are suffering a lot. They are not getting proper food to eat and clothes to wear. They have been forced to sell vegetables and small items of daily use in order to eke out their livelihood. This is an open secret. Everybody is witnessing the pitiable condition of the Indian people both the Hindus and the Muslims. The saudagars have no consideration for the rulers and the subjects. They have shown no gratitude to the rulers and others who have been extremely generous to them. One would remember such act of kindness to the end if one’s life. It is different with these saudagars who are so ungrateful that in return of all the respect and consideration shown to them, they are not to harm the world. People are dying in large number year after year owing to the curse of diabolism. Dear brethren, these saudagars have no other business but to ruin the world. This is what we are receiving at their hands in return of all the good that we gave done to them. We are doing everything to make them happy and at the same time tolerating their atrocities. And yet nobody comes forward to dismantle their web of diabolism. Because they cannot think properly, people have become self-centered. They do not realize that the self-seeking attitude and greediness has ruined the people of India both the Hindus and the Muslims. These saudagars will soon ruin other nation. The Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and others coming from all parts of the world should rise to occasion and unitedly fight the menace of diabolism. You should have trust in me and make whole-hearted efforts to dismantle their sin in the interest of the well-being of the whole world. You know very well that if someone does you any good, you would like to reciprocate even by lying down your life. But these banias are very ungrateful. I have written time and again about the good that people including the rulers have done to them. They have, however, not only not responded but also corrupted the mindset of the people by means of their diabolic power. The damage is irreparable. They have taken the entire wealth in their possession, against by means of their diabolic power. They have opened their shops in other countries to plunder their riches. These saudagars-mahajans will do the same thing in those countries as they are doing in India. That’s why I am telling you about their nefarious designs. By opening their business centers in foreign countries they aim at expanding the area of their diabolic operation. They drive a wedge between different rulers, while they keep themselves at a safe distance. They have already grabbed the wealth of the Indian people. They now plan to usurp the wealth of the foreign lands. Just see how clever they are. Keeping themselves away from the scene, they create bad blood between the rich and the poor. In spite of the fact that the banias have very cleverly controlled the wealth of the world, people of all sections of society and their children have immense liking for them. They are ruining the whole world, its people along with their children by means of their magical power. Those who have been spared, will now be doomed. These banias are performing a sinful ritual secretly, the target of which are the world and Mother Earth. This fact is not known to the kings and the common citizens. The British, and people of other nations are totally ignorant of the fact that the banias are performing a mystic ritual secretly to ruin the children of the kings and rulers of the world. If they ever come to know what these people are upto, they would get united and finish the saudagars and their offspring in one stoke and thus putting an end to their diabolism. But these banias have brainwashed everybody by their diabolic influence. And so the kings and others are unaware of their sins. I have therefore taken it upon myself to inform and educate the kings and the rulers of the world about the diabolism of these saudagars. As I have said these saudagars have brainwashed the kings and others who under the diabolic influence are discrediting me saying that the Sadhu (Anoop Das) in a bid to expose the misdeeds of banias is talking nonsense. Little do they realize that the faqir (an ascetic) that I am, I am not worried about food and clothes for myself. Nor do I have any greed for anything. I do not have any family to support. I have no selfish motive whatsoever. People, both the Hindus and the Muslims, know it well. I need hardly say it. Yes, it is my duty and mission to see that the people of the world live a happy life and the world is free from these deadly diseases so that people have not to die young. They should die only after they have completed their full life span. I have on my own taken this responsibility to remove the curse of diabolism so that the world becomes a better place to live in. I am repeatedly telling you that the saudagars are indulging in a demoniac rite somewhere in an island across the seas. Since the saudagars have tormented me with their diabolism, I am in the know of things. You know, those practising occultism or black magic are considered to be irreligious people. Anybody exposing their sinful activity is treated as a saviour. Think for a moment, how your forefathers treated those who had brought to the notice of the people the diabolic activity being carried on. People then expressed gratitude even to a dog. And now when I am cautioning them against the diabolic designs of the mahajans, they say that I have gone mad. Earlier people regarded those, who exposed the diabolic practice, as the saviour of the people. I don’t say that people should give me the same regard and be grateful to me. Nor do I claim to be some extraordinary human being. But at least I don’t deserve these epithets like ‘mad’, ‘lunatic’, ‘nonsensical’ etc. In fact, the people are not to blame. It is the diabolic influence of the mahajans which suggests such things to them. People can know from the Vedas and shastras that those who detected and exposed the misdeeds of the demons were held in high esteem. How can I write about myself or ask anyone else or my head clerk to do so? The ancient texts refer to the person who had exposed the diabolic activity. Armies have been sent to fight the evil. During the times of Rama, a huge army attacked Lanka to finish the demonic regime of Ravana. Similar action should be taken to finish the diabolic operation of the banias. I have been mobilizing people against this evil practice since 1881 A.D. I have been able to persuade and rope in some princely states. I want that other states should also fall in line so that this source is wiped out. I am finding it difficult to bring round people because the saudagars have brain washed them. They have circulated books of dubious content which people find reliable or accurate. I am sorry to point out in my writing your lack of wisdom and the influence of the diabolism of the banias so that you people could realize the extent of damage that has been done to your thinking faculty and after so realizing you could be in a position to muster your innate wisdom and understand the intricate net work of the diabolic operation of the saudagars, from me or my head clerk. Thereafter I want you, the kings and subjects, to take action to dismantle their network in the interest of your own children. This can be done with courage of conviction. During Ravana’s times, the people of the world at the behest of Shanishchara, look up courage in order to ward off any threat to their children. They mobilized armies and other logistics and attacked Ravana’s forces. That brought Ravana’s diabolism to an end. Till this day people talk about it. I want you to learn from the past and dismantle the sin of these saudagars. This book is not about any religion nor does it teach you philosophy. The purpose of writing this book is to caution you against the menace of diabolism and how you should do away with it to ensure happiness to your children. I want you to understand its content thoroughly and take action to dismantle the diabolic operation of the saudagars. They have already grabbed the wealth of the Indian people. Now they want to possess the riches of all other countries and establish their authority over them. They have drained out the ancient treasures of India and other countries by their diabolic force. They have removed temples and their idols from their places of origin and subsequently made them reappear at places far away from there. People ascribe these ‘miracles’ to astrological predictions. Nobody, whether a king or a pauper, is aware that it is the magic of the saudagars which has made it possible. The kings and all others know that there used to be gold and silver mines in the world. What they do not know is that these saudagars have caused, illness to Mother Earth by performing diabolic rite and that they have drained out the riches. These banias have deprived all the people of their thinking faculty by means of their diabolic power. As a result people are confused and they do not think where those mines have gone. They are so indifferent as if gold mines have never been in the world. I want to tell you – my brethren that these mines were there from time immemorial. But after Raja Bal these saudagars have started performing diabolic rite to curse Mother Earth. As a result, Mother Earth has been suffering from scores of ‘diseases’ and she has lost gold and silver mines which served as essential ‘fat’ in her body. Naturally when the tree itself has gone how can one get fruit? When mines have disappeared as a result
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 06:17:34 +0000

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