It was a long week ending with Ed, Nicole and I spending all day - TopicsExpress


It was a long week ending with Ed, Nicole and I spending all day at UCSD Cancer Center with Ed getting his red blood cells replenished. Thank you to our good friends who donated the pints of blood he is receiving today. You have made a difference in his life, literally. Eds goal for last week was to be able to wheelchair it to his doctors appt then to our CMA meeting. Neither one happened. His energy level has been so low, sleep is frequent and the abilitly to sit in the chair, just didnt happen. On Saturday morning, he was feeling very ill so we didnt even attempt a transfer. Thankfully, Nicole attended the meeting for us and brought Ed in via FaceTime so he could see his CMA family. It was an awesome blessing! Nicole is busy preparing our Thanksgiving menu, at Eds request, so he can have a full Thanksgiving dinner at home with all of his family. I am most thankful for my daughter who loves her dad with all her being and will do anything and everything for his comfort and happiness. We still have hope that he will be feeling well enough to eat, drink, sit in a wheelchair and be merry. Regardless, he will be happy and most thankful to be with his family. This is a difficult time for all of us but the Bible teaches us to “Give thanks IN ALL circumstances, for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus.” These 3 excerpts were part of Rick Warrens Thanksgiving story called GIVING THANKS WHEN I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT written for Time Magainze. I am thankful for these reminders this Thanksgiving week.•I’m thankful that, even though I don’t have all the answers, God does. In tragedy we seek explanations, but explanations never comfort. It is God’s presence that eases our pain. •I’m thankful that this life is not all there is. It’s not the end of the story. One day God will right all wrongs, even the odds, and settle all accounts. Justice will be served. Evil will not win. •I’m thankful for the hope of heaven. I won’t have to live with pain forever. In heaven, there are no broken relationships, broken minds, broken bodies, broken dreams, or broken promises. The Bible tells us “God will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” Cherish each and every moment on this earth with your loved ones but know there is hope in Jesus Christ to see them again in paradise.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:41:32 +0000

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