It would be ironic if there actually was a such thing as judgment - TopicsExpress


It would be ironic if there actually was a such thing as judgment day and on that day the criteria would be to answer the question, Did you kill your brother or your sister? Those who did would be consider as Cain and locked out of Paradise, those who did not would have an opportunity to pass through. Pastors and religious men would be asked, Did you kill your brother or sister? They would answer, No I have not, but I have lied. The Gatekeepers would excuse them and allow them to pass. Politicians and Kings would be asked, Did you kill your brother or sister? They would answer, No, I have not, but I have oppressed them. They would be excused and allowed to pass through. Then, the soldiers from every side of war would be asked, Did you kill your brother or sister? They would answer, Yes, regretfully I have. The Gatekeepers would ask, Why have you done this when you know you should not? The soldiers would respond, Because I was following orders given to me by Kings and Religious leaders. The soldier would say, I committed murder and other atrocities on their behalf! The Gatekeepers would drop their heads in frustration causing the soldiers to ask, Why is their a problem? I cannot be held accountable for what I have done! I was following orders!! I was only doing MY JOB!!! I cannot be held responsible so I should be allowed to pass along with the politicians and pastors that you have allowed to go through!!! The Gatekeepers would look into their eyes sternly and say, NO! You shall not be allowed to pass! The soldier would ask, Why not! I demand to know why I cannot if they are permitted to do so! The Gatekeepers would reply, Because they have not broken the law... They have not killed their brother or sister. They are not Cain! They soldier says, But... I did what I did on their behalf... I was following THEIR ORDERS!!! Why should THEY not be held accountable? The Gatekeepers respond, There is no law against telling a man to do certain things, but there are laws against mans actions and in him actually doing certain things. The politicians and priests have deceived you and caused you to willingly exempt yourself from entry into paradise. An order is a wish for a will to be done, but the will remains a wish until men actually ACT upon it. The wish is not a crime, but the act resulting from the will of the wish IS INDEED a crime when the will of the wish is to kill your brother or sister! The Gatekeepers continue, Politicians and Priests have no power beyond their power to bewitch your mind and make you believe in them. Their power is in the mental real estate of belief! The soldiers responds, So, what are you saying to us? The Gatekeepers reply, The politicians and Priest are permitted to pass because they have no blood on their hands, but you do. You have killed your brother and your sister. The soldiers cry, Yes, but they told us to do it... We did it FOR THEM! Why should we be held accountable if we did it for them? The Gatekeepers answer, Because it was you who DID IT and since you have done it FOR THEM, you shall receive the just punishment also for them, on their behalf! The soldiers, WHY??? How is this fair??? We were only doing our job!!! We were only being good soldiers by following orders! How can we receive punishment for doing Good? The Gatekeepers respond, You were not made as a soldier, you were made as a man and your duty is to remain true to your original design as man. In ignoring this you violate yourself and nothing that comes from self violation can be good. When priests and politicians convince you to violate yourself and believe you are something that you are not, you then view your brother and sister as something they are not. This is how you are able to kill while the priests and politicians never become murders themselves. The Gatekeepers continue, Since the Priests and Politicians know the rules and the laws that you do not, they get you to do their dirty work while they avoid punishment and keep their hands clean. The blood is on YOUR HANDS as soldiers because it is YOU who does the killing! The soldiers, But... But they told us to... The Gatekeepers interrupt, Yes, but you have your own mind with the ability to make your own choices and since you have chosen to forgo its use and allow yourself to become the pawn or the instrument of another mans will and wishes, you must now receive the punishment for acting according to another mans will and wishes, when that man himself, never would. The ones you follow have saved themselves, but you have damned yourself by obeying them. You are responsible for what YOU do. As a man you would know this, but as a soldier you have forgotten it. I am sorry, but you may not pass...
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 03:42:33 +0000

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