Its 11pm Saturday night and I just finished reading a nifty piece - TopicsExpress


Its 11pm Saturday night and I just finished reading a nifty piece of legislation that was approved by both the House and the Senate and signed by the President. Sit tight Ladys and Gents im about to scare the holy crap out of you. From 2011 and on the NDAA or National Defense Authorization Act is law. If you havent heard about it before buckle your seat belts. This law allows the US Government to detain ANYONE for ANY reason... INDEFINITLY. Yes, your congressmen and women in conjunction with the president have suspended the Writ of Habeus Corpus. You get NO trial, you get NO jury, you get NO representation, you do NOT get to confront your accuser, you get to live in a cage for the rest of your life, no parole, no conjugal visits, no outside communication. For all intents and purposes you disappear. Whether you did anything or not! Now a lot of you are embroiled in the World Series, Church, Work, Family, or School, how can I impress upon you the seriousness of this? Play those games, go to the movies, carry on living life as you know it. Keep those blinders on. There are bigger issues at stake within our country RIGHT NOW that demand action. Continue worrying about dinner ignore the bigger issues, the ones that truly matter and we will all be swept away by the coming storm. NSA is monitoring up to 128 billion pieces of data on LAW ABIDING citizens each month. Ask yourself, Why? Think about it. Are we all Terrorists? Are we all guilty of some unknown crime? What does the Government of the United States intend to do with all this illegally gained data? Most of you dont give a damn if the government knows you just bought donuts or whatever, but the rest of you will see it for what it is... an intrusion. And so I quote today perhaps the influential Military Tactician in the history of mankind. All warfare is based on Deception Sun Tzu What is it that our government is covering up? Why does the Department of Homeland Security run illegal checkpoints in the Southwestern States? Why does the Department of Homeland Security need ALL THOSE BULLETS? Ive said it before... WAKE UP... Ian Tate
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 04:18:24 +0000

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