Its 2:40 AM and I just got off the phone with my friend Laurie. We - TopicsExpress


Its 2:40 AM and I just got off the phone with my friend Laurie. We have been discussing my posts earlier. Photos of what everyone refers to as Todd School For Boys. Well, after Orson Wells was gone and the dust settled it was no longer the Todd School For Boys but the Woodstock Childrens Home. Did you ever feel like you were a member of a club? Sort of an honor but sort of distained all in the same breath? A group of people that huddle together because they have to? Thats a little bit how I feel I guess. Maybe its a little bit how WE feel. Now the town wants to whoop and holler about The Historic Todd School For Boys well cool. Go ahead and stomp your feet and raise your hands but you still tore down his home. He was an extraordinary man and I am proud to have walked the same halls that he did. But what about all the others? The rest of the kids who spent their entire childhoods swept under the rug. The thousands upon thousands of kids that ran and played and fought and cried and grew up running in those halls as well. We do not have to cow-tow to Mr. Wells and his gang, we had a fine gang of our own. And, to quote my own humble self....Some people are required to remember. I know I am.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 07:59:01 +0000

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