Its Friday night and time for some thoughts that may turn into a - TopicsExpress


Its Friday night and time for some thoughts that may turn into a rant. Well see. Mostly this is based on last nights Rachel Maddow Show. For instance, her discussion of the new documentary about Donald Rumsfeld. I have seen the director said film on Rachel Maddows Show and on Bill Mahers Show, and both times he has seemed a bit high to me. But I hope he wins the Oscar for the new one, like he did about the one he did about Robert McNamara some years back. Ill be looking forward to seeing the new one. Its amazing how the Republicans can just simply ignore the past. Never happened. Nothing to see here. What did the former president of the United States, who got to be president the first time because his party cheated, and the second time because John Kerry was too much of a wimp to refute the asinine claims that were being made about his service in Vietnam do today? -- George Bush the Younger and the Dumber attended the opening of a new show of his paintings. Who would ever have thought that this man would have an artistic talent? Who cares? Another story was about how the great state of Wisconsin is basically moving toward requiring voters to prove that they are not elephants before they are actually allowed to vote. No prizes for guessing which party is currently in control in Wisconsin. How sad for Wisconsin. Because everyone I know in Wisconsin (Gundiņa, Im looking at you) is properly liberal. Where did Wisconsin go so terribly wrong? And the last story was about the Fort Hood shooting and about how it is wrong to focus on the fact that the shooter was an Iraq veteran because during the past year, lots of different people have gone somewhere with a gun and shot a lot of people, and no one ever says oh, that says something about young loners, that says something about people who have lost their jobs. Comes along an Iraq veteran, and its all about how hes an Iraq Veteran. It seems to me that there are two things here. First of all, Iraq war veterans are surely more traumatized than young loners and people who have lost their jobs. These are people who stood witness to what happened in Iraq, and I would bet that none of us would ever in a million years want to have experienced that. It is an astonishing disgrace to the United States of America that it has so signally failed its military veterans. But it is also true that America has become diseased with guns. There is no other country in the world apart from those in which wars are occurring, in which so many people are shot by a gun and killed as is the case in America. And I love Rachel for having made this last point. Every single one of those cases was a man with a gun. Indeed. You dont hear about women doing this kind of stuff. Bottom line: I live in Latvia, where there is plenty of looniness in politics. But the Republithugs in America (the ones who voted against paying support to people who cleaned up after 9/11, because that would somehow violate budgetary principles, but have ever since been claiming that theyre the ones who really stand up for Americans) -- well, the American Republithugs make me glad that I live in Europe. It turned out to be a rant. Sorry. Good night.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:45:55 +0000

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