Its Time to SCRAP the WEBSITE! The Affordable Care Act - TopicsExpress


Its Time to SCRAP the WEBSITE! The Affordable Care Act “Website” is like a bowl of candy, sitting in front of a child whose parents tell him, “DO NOT even think about taking a piece of that wonderful, tasty, chocolate candy....DO NOT even try to sneak one, little piece of it”! We all knew that the ACA Website would CRASH the very first day it opened! We also, knew it would continue to crash and be hacked! The Affordable Care Act is a law. Finally, a law to protect us from the scams and extortion that Health Insurance Companies have perpetrated upon us for more than 50 years! We cannot afford to let the failure and continued sabotage of a computer website stop this law or impede us from enrolling in the ACA! It is time to organize and recruit the Obama for President Campaign workers into action once again! OPEN the Democratic Campaign, Headquarter Offices in every Town and City across this Nation! We must train ACA recruiters to answer questions and help citizens fill out the ACA application and choose which plan best fits their needs and monthly budgets. Before, there were computers and websites, insurance salesmen went door to door competing and selling insurance policies to the public! We must get out and go door to door again, just as the Presidents, 2008 and 2012 campaigners went door to door when they were selling and promoting, Barack Obama for President! It was the most successful, grass roots campaigning in history! This maybe the “only” way to guarantee that the ACA, is successfully, implemented and millions of Americans who are waiting and anticipating health care coverage, many for the first time in their lives, will be enrolled! The GOP will never let the ACA computer website succeed. There is no alternative but to canvas and knock on doors, go “forward”, never turning back and never giving up until every State has access to health insurance! Especially in Republican governed states, it is imperative for person to person sales. By opening and staffing the Democratic Campaign Headquarters in the small towns and cities the campaign workers will have a home base and also, a place to direct the citizens to seek additional information and possibly even register to vote! Surely, the powers that be “know”, as we do, that the only target of the GOP, Corporate sponsors is to take down “Obamacare” and President Obama. They have spent billions of dollars since our President first took office to stop, block or nullify every bill, cabinet appointment and law he has proposed. We must stop the Republican Party and their sponsors from their continued obstruction! It is up to us to determine the quality of life that we deserve. It doesnt matter what political party that you vote for, or whether you like or dont like our President! It matters that you know about this law, the Affordable Health Care Law, aka, Obamacare and the protections, services and the reduced premiums it provides! NOTE; the President did not promise that YOUR healthcare insurance company wont cancel you. He did not anticipate that they would cancel you because they refuse to comply with the new laws that are mandated under the ACA law!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 22:57:18 +0000

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