Its a SHAME.....that I have lose a few friends here on facebook - TopicsExpress


Its a SHAME.....that I have lose a few friends here on facebook because I gave my reasons to why I do not celebrate Christmas...I never told anyone not to celebrate Christmas....I told them to not LIE to their children about santa claus......And imagine that, A brother in Christ encouraging many to not lie because God hates a lying tongue.....A lie is a lie....we dont have room for fairy tales and filled with lies........ It is also a SHAME that I have lost some friends because I tell them in 1 thess 5:22 for us to abstain from all appearance of evil...So of course when I ENCOURAGE Christians to stay away from halloween..dont celebrate it...dont participate in it.......People get so mad.....over 2 pagan holidays, people will not want to be friends with you anymore, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Your pagan holidays are worth more to you than being friends with an individual who is encouraging you to OBEY the Bible.....Wow....Pride sets in big time for many and they do not even see it..... Now I have heard all the reasons....I understand that you probably do not worship the tree, and you probably do not celebrate halloween like the satanists do......however, God did not ask you to celebrate in these worldly man made traditions and what baffles me is you dont care.....esp when God says he detests man made feasts and traditions......He despises them so much that if you sing to Him, He is not even listening....... Now I will never say those who choose to celebrate these days are going to hell....No way.....I am always just trying to encourage us all to choose Jesus FIRST........Lets think logically....If Jesus told us...and He to remember Him than why are we doing it another way? Why would any Child of God want to remember Jesus in any other way than how He said to do it? This is where honesty comes in......Do we understand what the word selfish means? I am going to do this no matter what I am going to do this and no one is going to tell me not to I will do what I want Listen to yourselves...I...I....I....I...I....I.... Jesus was never about Himself....He was all about Gods Will....His fathers will....... anytime you start off with I....STOP.....right there because it is not what you case you have not heard, we are told to NOT LEAN on our own understanding......anymore.....this is how we trust in Jesus with all of our hearts...... I am frustrated though that I lost some Christian friends because I spoke about obedience and spoke on we have to stop thinking our way is right.....I spoke about how the lying needs to stop....I spoke how we cannot serve two masters at the same time.....I mean if the Bible says this world will hate you and if the whole world is doing something, logically speaking, we are not supposed to be doing it, part taking in it, because if the world is doing it then it is not for Jesus, thats for sure.... I have a bunch of friends who do celebrate these days...I do not look down on them....I do not think I am better than them...I just want them to see what I see and what the Holy Spirit has shown me.....but I am not going to not be your friend anymore......I have a bunch of pre-tribbers.....I will not delete them as my friends......I understand why they believe the way they do because I used to believe the same way.....But I started to read other passages and learn the whole Bible and not just a few verses....I started to understand when this so called pre trib theory came about.......none the less, in my opinion, no in my belief, I would rather encourage people to get prepared for the worst, to get grounded in the Bible, learn some scriptures, obtain some knowledge and get right with Jesus......because if you are wrong....those who teach a word that is not even found in the Bible, the Rapture....if you are teaching people God is going to rescue them from all of the trouble and we in fact have to go through few things....I mean the Israelites wen thru 3 plagues, right? many are going to be mad and some might even fall away because they believed this false teaching that Christians will not suffer......I would rather and it makes sense to teach get prepared and be ready for anything...If Jesus comes thru a rapture and gets His Children out before things happen, WOW,,,AMAZING...IM READY.....If Jesus comes after the tribulation, like he said He was.....than everyone is prepared and no one is caught off guard... Either way, I am not going to delete are still my brother and or sister in Christ and until we suck up our pride and get on the same page that our lives should be all about Jesus and not these non essentials that has noting to do with Salvation, satan will continue to divide us.... I am talking about Christians brothers and sisters who decided to delete me or not talk to me anymore....Not about luke warm back sliding worldly loving self proclaimed Christians...I understand why they do not like ,me anymore...The truth hurts too much.....they like or love the world more than Jesus and they have made their choice..... God Bless you all and remember, we are FAMILY....We are on the same team....and just because your preacher says it is ok, or participates in it does JUSTIFY anything.....chances are, there are many preachers deceived and of the world... Much Love......and do not take my word for anything.....The Bible is very clear on how we should not learn from the heathen, how we are to become friends with this world, how we are not supposed to be gaining the world, how we are to set our eyes on Heavenly things and not on worldly things, ect....I can go on and on and on... Much Love......wish I had a few friends back because I thought they were really cool people, still do think that.....but Life goes on and I must go forward......God has given me some great friends as of late.....All you who participate and discuss and encourage one another, edifying each other, building each other up and tearing us down if necessary, we are all after the truth......seeking the truth....and most important sharing the truth.....God Bless all of you...
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 15:01:27 +0000

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