Its a pity that modernist Catholics dont know whats going on in - TopicsExpress


Its a pity that modernist Catholics dont know whats going on in the Church right now as @ Yesterday when the News of changing the creeds came out it shook me and some other Catholics, immediately I started receiving calls from people trying to know how true it was and the implication and I told them to prtay hard because I myself am confused right now because many people will fall into this and its not going to encouraging @ all, as at this morning I have to check Msgr Simonpeters wall and I saw this bewlow post In every manner anyone would dare to undermine the Church established by Christ through the Faith of his Apostles ; is the same tendency anyone could seemingly to undermine Christ who is both its head and Saviour of the Church ! And, he who hears the voice of the true Church ; not the voice of modernist twisted mind Church, but of the One true Church, hears the voice of Jesus Christ. By true Church here means the Church still holding unto the ancient Creed without an insertion of the filioque ! And if you see todays Daily Sun Newspaper it reads Pope Urges Catholics to brace up for changes, and immediately my mind took ne back to the Book Life of Catherine Emmerich on the Suffering Pope who in his own eyes this will go akward but wont be able to fix it for he will suffer a lot before his deathn we should pray for him and my mind thought of Pope Emeritus, it happens that this book and visions of Blessed Catherine Emmerich forsaw the future and how thew Church will suffer. Before you fuse words into my mouth I will be posting a link today from Vatican website on the latest from Vatican pls I advice you go read it before you call us anti~Catholics and Anti~Pope or antagonist in as much as we try uplifting the faith we must also watch closely and carefully, as we speaking right now Fatima Secrets is working out if the Vatican had reveal this to us long ago which is still hiding I guess a lot of Catholics would know moree than little. Dominus Vobiscum.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 06:30:21 +0000

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