Its a shame that those sworn to serve and protect our community, - TopicsExpress


Its a shame that those sworn to serve and protect our community, have to resort to taking the word of a lying thieving ass pos junky whose just trying to save their own ass, instead of actually doing their own job and using the investigative tools at their disposal that are allowed by the constitution. Well I for one will no longer sit back idly and have my civil rights infringed upon. I will use the Bill of Rights and the constitution to defend my freedom and to restrain or handcuff those who wish to abuse their power and pervert the rule of law. Know your rights people and defend yourself from the tyranny of a system that is out for monetary gain and uses fear and intimidation as a means of oppressing and suppressing American citizens, while letting the biggest burdens to our community and our society continue to operate freely so long as they tell on someone else who has nothing to do with the crime they committed. Come on people enough of this shit, do any of u really think that these tactics are lowering the crime rate or helping to actually solve the very real problems that are affecting our community and our families. Take a stand and demand change or things will continue to get a lot worse around here. Be the change by informing yourself of your own civil liberties and rights because what were doing right now just aint working anymore. Ask yourself if this is the same place u grew up. This system of the worst criminals telling on other people for lesser crimes to get their sorry self outta trouble just does not work. Those parasites are free to continue to steal and deal all they want so long as they tell on someone whose not a fraction as bad as them. Its a vicious cycle that needs to come to an end because those same snitches are still stealing our belongings and getting our families strung out on dope, and with the way things are operating right now its like theyre getting a free pass to do so. Snitching is not the cure for addiction, treatment is. These problems will continue to escalate and plague our community as long as the worst criminals are set free. Ik this is long but shit somebody needs to say it. Take a stand.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:22:54 +0000

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