Its a world of mysterious ties and allies. We are allied with - TopicsExpress


Its a world of mysterious ties and allies. We are allied with Saudi Arabia in our fight against ISIS, we buy their oil (currently at low prices) and President Bush has a strong tie with the Saudis possibly because of their common ties to oil. We supposedly want to reform and again comply with the anti-torture provisions of the Geneva Convention. Yet, we will look away from the clear and obvious torture of a liberal rights advocate convicted to torture by our Saudi friends for insulting Islam. Why? Partly because were no better, but also because we need their oil and their assistance in fighting ISIS and because, well theyre allies. So in a sense were in bed with the devil ourselves or perhaps they are in bed with us. Oil means jobs and economy. And religion, well its just a difference in our tastes for music. Something, unlike with Russia, that can be summarily overlooked based upon our mutual needs. Its a difficult case to make to ask Saudi not to publicly flog a rights advocate 1,000 times with 20 sessions of 50 each, when weve already used torture against our terrorist Muslim prisoners. Its an intricate web we weave. Isnt it somewhat better to just be an Atheist rather than to be encumbered with the original sin associated with the various religion-based justifications for persecution? An age old phenomenon, or perhaps a human characteristic by definition. Goodnight Satan, Goodnight John Boy.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 04:50:57 +0000

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