Its amazing how 3 years can change someones life drastically. I - TopicsExpress


Its amazing how 3 years can change someones life drastically. I mean.. I cant even explain how much Ive grown up. I remember a time where I was the dorkiest kid you could ever meet. A time where no one would want to play with me. A time where I was the last one picked for everything. And when I was a kid, I used to always worry about why I was not as popular as the other kids and athletes in school. I used to cry at night praying to god that he would turn me into an athlete and that he would make me popular. And these are things that Ive never told anyone. Some of these things my own parents dont even know. But, from 3rd to 5th grade the only sport I played and was good at was football. I had talent in it. But of course, the richer families kids were picked over me. And I used to wonder why I wouldnt be played over them, even when I had more heart and talent. Dont get me wrong, I was definitely not the most athletic kid during my younger years. I was good at sports, but I wasnt great. And I used to get so mad and depressed because I wouldnt play as much as other kids. I would cry, because I was losing confidence, and I was losing heart. And then one day, there was sign ups for basketball. I asked my mom of I could try it. I loved it. And then one day in the 5th grade there was an incident where I was bullied and I would never be able to forget what happened to me. And what made it worse, was that it was in P.E. in front of the whole class. And worse? The kid who did it had his dad as the P.E. coach, and he watched the whole thing happen and didnt do a single thing. Why? Because he thought his son was the angel of the school and was the Top Notch best at everything. And something that day changed me. I shut down. I didnt want to hang out with friends. I didnt want to go to school. I didnt want to do anything. I remember asking my dad, Why are kids always picking on me? Why cant I just be friends with them like everyone else. I remember him telling me that I had something special that they were jealous of. He said that he didnt know what it was, but that I had something that I would be amazing at. Something that I would blow them out of the water in. And when I was that age, I didnt think. I blocked him out because I had been hurt so bad that I had refused to believe anything anyone said. And thats when we moved to Illinois. I was scared. I was nervous. I was depressed. I didnt know anyone. I was a diver in the middle of a sea of sharks. But I remember when I would get bored I would go and shoot hoops when I wasnt stuck inside making myself miserable. I remember one day I was outside and a Kid came over and asked me if I was new here. This kid was huge. I didnt know what to say. So I nodded. Well, that kid was Garrett Etherton. I remember every weekend he would come over and practice with me at basketball. He told me that I had amazing talent for my age and that I should go out for basketball that year for Junior High. At first I thought he was crazy. But to a point I believed him. The night before the first tryouts I was so scared that I didnt even want to go. But then I remember my dad coming in and sitting on my bed, asking why I was so nervous. Im scared because I barely know anyone. I dont want to suck and not play. I remember he looked at me like he thought I was stupid. He said, Theres always a first time for everything. As long as you put in the effort and heart, you can be as good as you want to be. That next day, I was introduced to one of the most amazing people Ive ever known. This man taught me alot of what I now know today. He stayed after practice to help me. He put forward his free time to show me things that I never knew. He raised me on the court. And to this day I still want to thank my old Coach, Phillip Martin. He helped me gain confidence, and be who I am today. I remember during the awards ceremony that year, he said This kid, may not be the most talented, or the biggest, but he has heart, that not many people have. Its hard to find kids like this now a days. And as I was awarded the Ranger Award my 6th grade year, something sparked. I was thinking to myself, Look at what I have accomplished within a year. Well, look at what has changed about me? And think to yourselves these things as I speak my mind. You people wonder why I choose to stick up for kids that are constantly bullied, or pushed around by those kids that think that theyre the best. Why? Because I remember a little kid in the 5th grade who had a dream, and had to walk into school everyday and laughed at for something that happened. So why let it happen to them? And to those who say Im Cocky or A Coachs Favorite well, youre wrong. I worked for everything Ive accomplished. Yes, Ive been given help that probably most kids didnt have. And I used that to help me. I am not cocky, I am not a favorite, and I am not perfect. I have a winning attitude, I have a leader mentality, and heart. And the last thing. My team is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Yes, there are people that Ive had loose ends with, or that I dislike. But when it comes to basketball, that all changes. Im not selfish, Im selfless. Im not a follower, Im a leader. And lastly, Im not cocky, Im determined. You can do anything you want to do. You need to trust and believe in yourself, and have the mind set that you can do whatever you want to do. Because never in a million years would I have thought that we have a chance at going to state for the first time in almost 15 years! Like, share, comment, do whatever you have to do. But as long as you understand the message that Im trying to pass along, then I know I accomplished what I wanted to do. Thank you for taking the time to read. And next time you see someone that needs a little boost or is getting picked on, help them. Because you never know, they could end up being your closest supporters. And lastly, Thankyou to my family and supporters who have been there since day 1. None of this could have happened to me if it hadnt been for you guys.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 05:08:42 +0000

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